Example sentences of "and he have [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had been the youngest ever to head the ancient , honourable Fiana ; there had been seven years within its ranks only , and he had been intoxicated with the knowledge .
2 Garbo , Garland , Gardner , Garson and Gable were there — and that was just the Gs — but the old grey Mayer was n't what he used to be , and he had been ousted from MGM by the time Nicholson arrived as a messenger boy .
3 Kate Redmond was now engaged to a quiet American , Gene Romero , and he had been moved to the South Coast in readiness for the invasion .
4 For years it had been evident to him that the phrenological system was sound and he had been tormented by his inability to demonstrate it to people who , like the Collector , were inclined to scoff .
5 Ramsgate had tired of the honour of his presence and he had been sent to Sandwich , under whose jurisdiction the Broadstairs police force came .
6 Jack was the eldest of the family and he had been born in a smaller house , but he did n't remember it .
7 That had been put round his neck and he had been dragged to a pier .
8 That had been in the first exhilarating days of their relationship , and he had been elated at their evident approval of her .
9 The Essex police had opposed bail , and he had been remanded in custody .
10 She had smiled on the new young courtier , and she had helped him , and he had been fascinated by her , for although she was ageing , there were still easily discernible traces of the famous beauty who had led armies into battle and lovers into bed ; who had brought Ireland to the brink of something so truly great that its fame would echo down the centuries .
11 His field was bio-improvements engineering , and he had been placed in charge of some hush-hush military project that had racked him up a rep as the Frankenstein of his generation .
12 Sabine Jourdain had been shot , Barbara Coleman had been abducted , someone had tried to strangle Rain , the reception clerk and Cobalt had been beaten up , and Rain and he had been chased through a maze by a man with a ferocious determination on his face .
13 In 1167 his army had been decimated before Rome by an outbreak of malaria ; and he had been chased over the Alps in humiliating disaster ; but still he plotted and planned to return to the task .
14 His parents emigrated to Canada before the war , she said , and he had been buried in the graveyard of the nearest small village .
15 David had heard of the Wilikinses ' divorce there had been quite a lot about the circumstances surrounding it in the Birmingham Mail — and he had been told of a second , short-lived marriage .
16 The sympathetic voices preferred to argue that Charlie 's champagne bubble had burst and he had been smitten by the sentimental Scottish condition called homesickness .
17 He recalled the incident in the boiler room when both Pearce and he had been assailed by the same noises that Beaton had heard .
18 She was a nurse who had never been kissed , and he had been married to a sensational young actress .
19 Some of the men had got into the car and he had been accused of ‘ grassing ’ .
20 Oh yes , Googol had been left safely in a locked room once ; and he had been taken by surprise …
21 And he had been taken from them .
22 And he worked it out , he took about three or four weeks to work it out , and he 'd been overcharged on the interest like .
23 And he 'd been apprenticed in Liverpool with a firm called they were ship repairers in Liverpool .
24 But it was after the war , when Magnus had driven the enemy from the land and he 'd been hailed as the new Emperor , that he performed what was to be his most significant act .
25 And he 'd been braced for the knife lunging out of the darkness .
26 there 's a story here in the paper , I do n't know whether you 've read it about a little boy , ten weeks old and he 's been born with all his organs on the wrong side of his body
27 Down the bottom there in , number page twenty six it speaks about another modest man who became a role model for me who 's name 's John now a member of the governing body of Jehovah Witnesses and he 's been quoted over the years as saying it 's not so much where you serve , but who you serve that is truly important , can you see that ?
28 So far only Allan Lamb has had the courage to speak out — and he 's been hammered with fines totalling £7,000 , costs of £1,000 and a two-match ban .
29 Jesus has been through the agony in the garden he 's been arrested he 's been abandoned by his apostles he 's been through a trial and he has actually been through the crucifixion and he 's been buried in the tomb .
30 Cummins was the West Indies ' leading wicket-taker in the World Cup and he has been selected for their squad to tour Australia this winter .
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