Example sentences of "and have be [vb pp] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To signifies this relation of subsequence in virtue of its potential meaning of a movement from one point in time to another and has been seen to give rise to two clearly identifiable actual meanings according to whether the speaker conceives the whole movement which to is capable of signifying or only the initial part thereof .
2 Furthermore , though the Fos-Core region does not bind DNA effectively alone , it does contain a basic region and has been shown to bind DNA non-specifically .
3 The New Nursery was opened on 26th August this year and has been designed to offer children opportunities to enjoy and develop all types of play and decision-making , and to gain increased independence within a safe and secure environment .
4 This manual replaces R645/59 — Issue 1 , and has been updated to take account of the revised User Interface for LIFESPAN .
5 The family has openly admitted that Nigel 's brother does have a criminal record and has been known to use Nigel 's name .
6 The earwig is not immediately recognisable as a gardener 's friend , and has been known to damage fruit .
7 It had been in touch with air control in Athens and had been instructed to alter course over the island of Amorgós — that 's about forty miles north-east of here — and proceed on a roughly north-north-west course .
8 UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar said in his speech that despite all the tensions of the world , the UN had undertaken 18 peacekeeping operations since 1948 , five in the last decade alone , and had been asked to resolve conflicts in Cambodia , El Salvador and Western Sahara .
9 The Boyan ensemble are from Kiev and had been booked to play dates in Britain .
10 He was a very good sheep man and had been known to tap dance , but only on very rare and special occasions .
11 They have been charge capped and have been forced to make cuts and the Tory group themsleves felt that the Government spending limits were unfair .
12 The annual meetings of the churches ' central bodies are a forum for religious political debate and have been known to express tensions between the values of the majority Northern and minority Southern protestants .
13 These animals are just a handful from the diversity of the natural world and have been hounded to near extinction by trade , disappearing habitat and hunting .
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