Example sentences of "and for [det] [noun] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 If Mr Dunn the debtor refused to be cowed by this threat , Mr Rich the creditor would tell the bailiffs to take the belongings out of the house — and for that service he paid the bailiffs a fixed fee .
2 One day , he thought , we shall probably know each other , and for that reason he turned away from the window , not feeling quite equal to meeting the unashamed curiosity of their glances as they came nearer .
3 We had Friday afternoons off and for that job I got £16 a week . "
4 ‘ On the new album I went to extremes , and for each song I had two or three complete lead breaks worked out for every solo , prior to actually going in to make the album .
5 My best memory when I was at Primary School was that I was a member of a Gymnastics club and for many weeks we rehearsed our routine to do in front of the school and parents .
6 But he had a fever , and for many days he lay there unconscious .
7 I read somewhere that this slenderness was to allow bream freedom of movement between stems of marginal growth such as reeds , and for many years I accepted this as fact .
8 It was the responsibility of the Justices of the forest to see that the Forest rights of the Crown were not usurped , and for this purpose he made frequent use of sworn inquiries by the foresters and verderers and juries of knights and free men of the neighbourhood .
9 brought the downfall of the Asante nation and for this reason they had to bury their money underground so that more money was hidden underground than on the earth .
10 Metabolism of butyrate was optimal at 1 mM ( Fig 3 ) and for this reason we decided to use 1 mM butyrate for the remainder of the study .
11 His diminutive figure was always to be seen during battles with the opposition , and for this reason he gained exceptionally early admission to the Rowdies as a kind of unofficial mascot .
12 After independence 200,000 Europeans fled the city and for some time it appeared to be uninhabited , a city decimated by plague .
13 And for some reason they thought you were a fellow deadbeat ? ’
14 He was carrying the same carrier-bag and for some reason they found it impossible not to stare at it .
15 The Feldwebel saw this and for some reason it worried him .
16 But he was a big man and for some reason I had an unhealthy picture of him being more than able to do something unspeakable to Tonka toys .
17 We played practice rounds with Greg and for some reason I got talking and joking with him a lot .
18 On my way to the pay ‘ phone near the gents , I noticed the door to the back room was open , and for some reason I decided to have a look .
19 After Corrections I joined Picture Group in 1981 and for some reason I ended up doing a lot of work for them in the ghettos , guns , drugs and things like that ; it became my forte and I came to feel at ease in this kind of environment .
20 On the other hand , if you were Andrus and for some reason you decided to start a campaign of your own , and you were , like him , a Copt , the first thing you would do would be to go to a bank and make proper financial arrangements .
21 Dane was gone — he 'd made that promise the night before , and for some reason she felt sure he was , despite all , a man of his word .
22 And for some reason he found himself drawing a Spitfire .
23 On the other hand , they would have been inspired by the promise that they , as loyal adherents of the Messiah , would be granted a unique recompense for their fidelity and for any suffering they had incurred .
24 He turned into the one occupied by his stepmother , switched off the motor , and for several moments they sat looking at the house whose drawn blinds and closed windows seemed to proclaim its emptiness .
25 Instead , Anna 's limbs suddenly began to jerk alarmingly and for several seconds she thrashed her head from side to side until tiny bubbles of foam appeared on her lips .
26 The shop 's three glass doors and old-fashioned set of windows were all adorned with window boxes and hanging baskets and for several years it won a Bath Festival award for the best floral shop facade in the City .
27 Previously , " the classics " ( or some of them ) were a possession of the educated classes in general and for those classes they constituted a natural part of experience , forming a continuum with modern literatures and ideas .
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