Example sentences of "and for [det] [noun] [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 As I understand the allocations , they do n't seek to differentiate between different types of employment within the business use class , erm and for that reason equally I would regard that submission that it 's an unacceptable approach as as invalid .
2 Lentils coming from Ethiopia , you get wheat from the States , rice from the States , ap apples from France , tea from India , coffee from Brazil and Columbia , sugar from the Windward Islands , bananas from all over the place , you know those are the things that keep us alive , no , you know , whether we one think they are or not , but I mean them things are what keeps the economy alive for one , it 's also what keeps us personally alive if you do n't know why we take an interest in Third World issues , I would say that it 's that , we 're dependent on these countries , we could produce enough foods for our own needs , but we would n't have oranges , coffee , tea , sugar , you know cos we ca n't grow them in this country we , we really depend on those things to stay alive , and for that reason alone we should have some kind of interest , if you went to Kenya for example they would be staggered at how little you know about their country given how much they know about yours they know a lot about this country , a lot of it is a bit loopy , but then what you know about their country is probably a bit off centre as well , and you know I hope that this is something that we 're reversing in this section , our perceptions of the Third World or the south or whatever we choose to call it , colour a lot of the things that we think and do and say and it increases the amount of racism that there is around us all , all those kind of things , erm and I think that it is really important to look at what a perception is , you know , for example what 's your perception of this ?
3 Alan Rough has given more to Scottish football than he could ever take and for that reason alone he stands on the terraces of Hampden Babylon like a colossus .
4 And for that reason alone I would say that erm Policy E two is necessary and should be included .
5 Language is as old as consciousness , language is practical consciousness that exists also for other men , and for that reason alone it really exists for me personally as well ; language like consciousness , only arises from the need , the necessity of intercourse with other men .
6 Like " freedom " , " equality " , " justice " , " human rights ' , and so forth , " democracy " is a term which , whatever its precise meaning , will always signify for many a cherished political principle or Ideal , and for that reason alone it is never likely to achieve a single agreed meaning .
7 That night and for many nights afterwards he took the lighter to bed with him , and lay there , thinking of Kate and feeling the metal growing warm in his hand , until he fell asleep .
8 And thus I can say that both on the moment of this resolution and for some time afterwards I had more sublime and happy feelings than at any former period of my life . ’
9 A car with headlights on came towards him , cautiously negotiated the hairpin bend , and for some time afterwards he could hear it grinding up the hill to Albert Terrace .
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