Example sentences of "and i [verb] [prep] what [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I also felt , as I 'm sure everybody does , that the office would fall apart when I left and that nobody would be able to take over my cases , and I worried about what state they would be in when I came back .
2 And I thought of what Jim Collins said when I heard what happened over at Stonham .
3 SIR Neville Cardus , the most literate and incorruptible of cricket-writers , adorned the pre-war Guardian and I wonder in what contempt he 'd hold advocates of expedience like Selvey and Martin-Jenkins — as well as that gutless crew at the TCCB , the International Cricket Council and Lord 's .
4 I could go on and on and on and I 've listened all week to the debates and I agree with what John said on Sunday .
5 I 'd be more'n happy to move out of this tied cottage and have the comfort of our own place , and I reckon with what Harry 's offered , we 'll soon have enough to buy summat small in Calking village , and if'n you doant want to come with me , Will Pritchett , then you can stay on here by yourself .
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