Example sentences of "and it was [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , part-time teachers also make a very significant contribution and it was to the consideration of their needs that Haycocks II was addressed .
2 The three doors of this were really long mirrors , and it was to the wardrobe that Miss Rene went and , opening it , she lifted down a hanger from which hung a dress and coat .
3 It was to the Carlton as well as the Whip 's Office that Robert Sanders went to hear the news and discuss political events , and it was to the Carlton too that he went for recreation when the business of the House was too tedious to be borne any longer .
4 Razno have buying experts for every conceivable item required by Russia , and it was to the carpet expert that Fraser was introduced .
5 Before her brief exposure to pop stardom , she served an apprenticeship to a still-life photographer , and it was to the camera that she eventually returned , specialising in record covers and rock portraits .
6 The occasion for the controversy was the foundation of a central agency to produce goods for sale by Co-operative stores ; and it was to the workers in the agency 's factories that the question related .
7 whilst , if a privilege existed , it was up to the House to decide whether there had been a breach , the existence of the privilege in the first place was for the common law to decide and it was for the courts , and not the House , to declare the common law .
8 They could only speak Greek to the Romans , and it was for the Romans to decide whether they wanted an interpreter .
9 Only the north side of the scheme was carried out in 1825–6 as the Privy Council Offices and the Board of Trade , and it was at the Treasury 's instigation that Seward in 1833 produced a scheme to house various governmental offices in a block on the south side of the street , following Soane 's lines .
10 The two have users in common and it was at the request of some large accounts that the relationship was formed .
11 Hotspur asked negligently ; and it was at the girl 's wry face that he looked .
12 And it was at the trekkers ' hut eight days before that we 'd met our porters with their dzos , Dzos — pronounced ‘ Joes ’ — are great hairy pack animals , a cross between yaks and cows .
13 And it was at the wedding of her cousin that Laura had first met Owen 's older brother , Ross Wyndham .
14 So he was born de Lisle , and it was at the point that he was in military school that he added the Rouget , you know , like having a double barrelled name ,
15 And it was at the office … that she met the man who said …
16 Then in late July I had my clubs stolen again I had left them for ten minutes at about 9.30pm and when I came back they were gone and it was at the time when I was about to play in two large junior competitions .
17 I was just checking here in from the book by and I was looking at the chapter here on Roses Rivetus and er and it was on the mission to Munster here that er Third Combat Mission once a day for three days ' running was to Munster it was this ill-fated mission that made the reputation as the bloody Hundredth and of course this is the one that he only came back from .
18 And it was on the balcony in a in a porch on the balcony to prevent fire so it would n't go on fire .
19 In October Bassingbourn had become the home of 231 ( Mosquito ) OCU and 237 ( Meteor ) OCU and it was on the Meteors that the initial staff work-up was done , the first Canberras did not arrive until the following February .
20 I set off back to the hospital — not in the best of tempers after a foul drive in filthy weather — and it was on the way home , as the wet lamps marched towards me , that it happened .
21 And it was on the floor but she was lying on the bottle .
22 Its full title was Preparing Police to Deal with a Multicultured Society , and it was on the subject of policing black communities — still the most vexatious and controversial for both police and their critics — that Sir Peter made his thoughts most plain .
23 She formed an immediate trust and liking for the duo , and it was on the basis of trust that she agreed to record with them .
24 It was a large , rather forbidding and gloomy building , called Battersby Grammar School , and it was on the fringe of that decayed , desolate , once-grand grey fringe that surrounds the centres of most cities ; the houses in this area , large and terraced and of some dignity , had been long abandoned by the middle classes , and were now occupied by families who could not afford to live anywhere else .
25 The fastenings for the steel bits would need to be on the gun deck , and it was on the gun deck they had some of the electronic equipment they did not want the Chilean officers to see .
26 And it was worth the money , I 'll tell ye that . ’
27 Increasingly , the monarchy was involved in courtly display , and it was as the administrator of such functions that Cawarden was to win fame , providing costumes for men and horses and complicated scenic devices .
28 Graham served in the RAF during the Second World War and it was under the war-time ‘ guesting ’ arrangement that he first turned out for Palace .
29 And it was under the aegis , so to speak , of the Sol Invictus cult that Christianity proceeded to prosper .
30 I said well he reckons it does , he says when he filled up at the garage it were full , he says we had n't got back and it was between the half and three quarters , I said oh I never looked at it
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