Example sentences of "and it 's [adj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She says many things can go wrong at birth and it 's better to find a new mother for a lamb than to have to hand rear it .
2 I most grateful to the minister for giving way and it 's good to see the government er at last acknowledging the justice of the amendments to do exactly what we 're proposing now that we put in to most of the committees like the building societies c c c b b bill a and like the banking bill when they were discussing the nineteen eighties but Lord Justice Bingham also recommended er and I quote , the determination of the correct relationship between client , auditor and supervisor raises an issue of policy more appropriate for decision making by parliament than by the bank and the accounting profession .
3 Tim Small says … the lake is fishing really well and it 's good to have the top anglers there
4 Erm , we hope that you will come back soon , because for all the reasons I 've outlined it 's tremendously important to us and it 's nice to have a body of , a big large body of trade unions in the city in terms of our feelings as , as local trade unions as well .
5 ‘ I am happy to do any job for Graham Taylor , and it 's nice to have the likes of Peter Beardsley praising my ability and fighting my corner , ’ he said .
6 King and keyboard man Mike Lindup have soldiered on , but loyal fans will recall ‘ Something About You as the high point and it 's dispiriting to have a five-year-old record and you one great pleaser in the locker .
7 Mr 's status is identical his abilities are different and it 's necessary to have a manager who is mobile .
8 So I said well sir I find maths really boring and I walk into this classroom and it 's all painted the same with this blackboard in front and I just find it boring , he goes yes guess who he was taught by at rugby ?
9 I 've , I 've got a little knife , I do n't know where I got it from , on it , on it , it says steel and it 's all broken the blade because , you know , it 's been used so much and it 's sharper for even being broken than any thing else I 've got .
10 When they get married I 'll tell them to use family planning because prices get higher every day and it 's impossible to support a large family .
11 That 's what this programme is about , and in that time I mean I think , I was thinking actually as Terry was speaking , erm you said that it was not clear that you can judge somebody on a hundred days , and I must say I agree with that , and I think at the moment in the last hundred days we 've been at war and it 's impossible to judge a new Prime Minister , who 's come into office in the right at the beginning of what potentially could have been a very nasty war .
12 And it 's preferable to have a golf course rather than agricultural land which might be heavily dosed with chemicals six times a year , which is more than the average course . ’
13 ‘ I 've been a Lions fan for about 15 years and it 's great to see the look on the tourists ’ faces when I walk around Bangkok in my ‘ No One Likes Us We Do n't Care ’ T-shirt , ’ wrote Mr Barrett .
14 Under-age sides are entitled to their share of the cake and it 's encouraging to see a spread of this cash to help underwrite various competitions . ’
15 It allows you to alternate between a high and low route and it 's easy to extend the walk or take short cuts .
16 But it can be confusing , and it 's easy to buy the wrong package .
17 I got to be careful — cars just suddenly come out from nowhere and it 's easy to have an accident .
18 ‘ Safety helmets and wet suits are essential , you must be able to swim and it 's vital to follow the leader 's instructions immediately , above all , hang on … packed lunches are included … ’
19 You see and it 's alright to buy a new chiller , it 's only half the problem .
20 and it 's hard to tip the buggy up when I 've got the heaviest it 's , one in the front , it 's easier with the lightest one let's have your reigns on
21 But then I do n't hold with the precept de mortuis nil nisi bonum ( I speak as a doctor , after all ) ; and it 's hard to underestimate the irritation when a critic points out something like that to you .
22 There was an obvious theme to the programme that week , but the following show we had Norman Tebbit , John Cleese and Julio Iglesias — and it 's hard to imagine a stranger mixture of people .
23 For example , you have to account for money spent on holidays , and it 's wise to set a certain amount aside for emergencies , like the boiler breaking down .
24 September is one of my favourite months for walking as it 's invariably cooler — and wetter , it 's true ! — yet the days are still long and it 's easier to avoid the crowds .
25 It 's tough to get into the union , and it 's tough to earn a living in the profession .
26 There could be all the difference in the world between 500 and about 500 , and it 's important to know the margins of tolerance a person is using in order to interpret them .
27 My mother , who came from a staunchly ‘ church ’ family , used to express her antipathy when she often declared , ‘ He 's nothing but a chapel dodger , ’ and it 's difficult to describe the scorn that she would put into the phrase .
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