Example sentences of "and it have not [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And it had n't been fair of her to expect him to do so .
2 Forester had delivered the certificate and the other papers by hand to the country police station ; it was n't much more than a converted garage alongside the local man 's house , and it had n't been difficult to pick a time when it had been unattended .
3 And it had n't been some unknown island wine with mystical aphrodisiac properties , had it ?
4 The third practice had overspent because it had taken over a smaller practice after the preparatory work on budget setting had been completed , and it had not been able to make an accurate estimate of prescribing costs for the 1300 patients involved .
5 However , by May 1991 the Council of ( Foreign ) Ministers had still not agreed on the location of the Agency 's headquarters and it had not been able to start work .
6 ‘ I 've done the checking you wanted , ’ said Georgiades , ‘ and it 's not been easy , I can tell you .
7 and it 's not been funny at all , he 's laughing about it but I 've had to cope with it
8 It has n't been easy for people across the country it has n't been easy for businesses and it has n't been easy for the government to do it .
9 I have experience of this class of case over a period of more than fifty years and it has n't been uncommon in the past even in the days when judges took a more rigorous view than they cline er inclined to do nowadays not to punish er in any with a custodial
10 But that window 's completely cleared out now and it has n't been open at all this week .
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