Example sentences of "and it be a [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 It 's going to offend a lot of people , and it 's a problem which I 'm sure exercises a lot of minds .
2 I mean if you take the regulatory we did it with today that it consists of the Bank of England , the Securities and Investment Board , twenty four organisations of the S I B S , siblings you might call them er under it , the Building Societies Commission , the police , the serious fraud office , the Department of Trade and Industry , the London Stock Exchange , the Inland Revenue , five recognised supervisory bodies , all those dealing with er auditors and the others , it 's chaos er and nobody knows who is responsible for what and in that chaos you get overlapping decisions er er and conflicting regulations , everybody tries to ensure themselves by regulating too much er er and it 's a situation which drastically needs simplification , but we do n't have any proposals for strengthening and making that work er er frame work more effective , to back up er this er simple proposal today .
3 It 's a mighty brew , and it 's a sound which could well carry them to a much higher level of success , if that 's what they want .
4 Atomisation is the keyword here and it is a tendency which gets reproduced in the very format of the finished product .
5 In certain areas of the country industrialization had been a slow but continuous process since the seventeenth century or even earlier ; and it is a process which has not finished yet .
6 That is a duty which he owes to all those who may have occasion to use the article : and it is a duty which is broken at the time when he is negligent in making the article .
7 This is a book which takes for granted , and which has doubts about , the mingling of peoples , and it is a book which takes pride in its chosen people — Salim 's people and , in some measure , Naipaul 's .
8 But they have to take it as a fact , and it is a fact which prevents them from envisaging our liquidation . "
9 And it is a condition which can be recognised in the reception of his work .
10 The expression I am quoting is uttered by Dyer , and it is an expression which Ackroyd is given to using in his books .
11 Pastiche is a dualistic activity , and it is an activity which can lend itself to the expression of paranoid feelings and unacted desires .
12 Self-advocacy complements ‘ normalisation ’ and it is an issue which , recently , staff have actively begun to promote .
13 This is important and it is an issue which we will address in the coming chapters as we attempt to separate out the problems for both users and their community and whether the source of the problem is with heroin use or its legal and social status .
14 And it is an irony which has not been lost on him .
15 And it is an improvement which only they have the requisite professional skills and training to undertake .
16 It is also a very English subject ( as befits a Professor of English Law ) and it is an interest which I share with my distinguished predecessor , Professor Sir Gordon Borrie .
17 And it was a film which really was ill-conceived and quite frankly ridiculous .
18 It was the sort of pride which comes before a fall — and it was a fall which Gorbachev became increasingly willing to envisage .
19 The focus of the museum has always been the pictures in the collections , and it was a philosophy which I shared completely .
20 In many parts of the world , fish are still being caught by bow and arrow and it was a bowstring which first put Chilton , a Bolton lorry driver , on to the potential of the high-performance polyethylene fibres .
21 From experience he knew Grant had a weakness he could exploit — his concern for the safety of others — and it was a flaw which would now prove fatal .
22 The interesting competition was between Paisley and the Official Unionists for the title of spokesman for the Protestant people , and it was a contest which Paisley won comfortably .
23 This required the active incorporation of the mass of the population to serve the nation , at the expense of many lives , and it was a process which necessarily involved cultural as well as military and civilian social administration to an extent which survived the ending of the war .
24 I saw the student riots in Rome and it was an experience which greatly moved me .
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