Example sentences of "and the [noun prp] [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What she came up with was ‘ The Museum of Non-Objective Art ’ and the Guggenheim Museum existed under that rubric for some years .
2 Of the two Asian models for Vietnamese independence , China and Japan , China was always more immediate and when at last the Chinese Empire fell to pieces and the Manchu dynasty ended in 1911 , the impact of this revolution was full of promise for Vietnam .
3 It broke Tony Cottee … and the Everton striker reveals for the first time the enormous cost of carrying the tag of Britain 's costliest player .
4 But Graham and Russell , if anything more composed , made them defend that advantage , and the Chelsea defence responded with a disorder to which only Ken Monkou was an exception .
5 Gooch and the England selectors meet in Manchester to choose their squad for the second Test at Lord 's , and Atherton 's place as Gooch 's opening partner is one of those up for discussion .
6 Cricket 's world cup in Australia and the England A tour to the West Indies has denuded Worcester 's squad but even without the likes of Hick , Rhodes Illingworth , there 's no way South Africa feels its being short changed .
7 At the NOTTINGHAM PLAYHOUSE , stimulating repertoire enjoys international acclaim and the ALBERT HALL has for many years been a popular venue for classical concerts .
8 Then , as the spotlights shone upon the figure of the leader , head thrown proudly back , the entire audience rose to its feet and the Albert Hall rang to a chant of ‘ Hail , Mosley !
9 The most important thing — of course — was being seen with the right people , and the Mirza Nama opens with a salutary warning : ‘ He [ the mirza ] must not speak to every unworthy person , and should regard men of his own class as the only [ fit ] companions [ for him ] . ’
10 And the Demomcrats leader remained under house arrest .
11 Lower Palaeozoic formations in Wales and the Lake District consist of early basic to acid volcanics and volcaniclastic sediments with later thick basinal greywacke turbidites .
12 It may , however , lead to a new civil war between rival mujaheddin factions , a Pathan coalition around Hekmatyar , the Islamic Pol Pot , and the Tajik alliance led by Ahmed Shah Massoud .
13 Oil workers who live in the area use Teesside to get to the Middle East via London and the North Sea rigs via Aberdeen .
14 As these family dramas were played out around Low Birk Hatt farm and the Hauxwell family battled against the twin effects of an overpriced heavily mortgaged farm , and an agricultural depression which presaged the deep national depression of the thirties the other people in Baldersdale coped with their lives .
15 On the coalition side the USA and the United Kingdom insisted on Iraq 's unconditional withdrawal as the essential requirement , leaving only limited scope for any mediator to suggest to Saddam Hussein that this would create a more fruitful atmosphere for addressing regional problems .
16 Atmospheric tests by the United States , the Soviet Union , and the United Kingdom ceased with the signing of the Partial Test-Ban Treaty of 1963 although other countries such as France and China continue to undertake such tests .
17 The United States and the United Kingdom voted against in each case .
18 That is why the IAEA approached France and the United Kingdom asking for assistance in removing the material and making it safe in specialised facilities .
19 He wants people to make their own choices , and not pay too much tax , and the United Kingdom to stay in one piece .
20 Results of studies carried out in Great Britain and the United States serve as illustrations .
21 The defence co-operation agreement between Greece and the United States initialled in May was signed on July 8 at a meeting in Athens between the Greek Foreign Minister , Antonis Samaras , and the US Defence Secretary , Richard Cheney .
22 Trade relations between Japan and the United States improved at the start of April as the so-called " Structural Impediments Initiative " ( SII ) talks [ see p. 37319 ] produced an agreement by the two sides on a number of the outstanding points of conflict .
23 Japan and the United States agreed on June 4 , after some years of often acrimonious debate , to extend for a further five years the deal reached in 1986 on the easing of access to the Japanese market for US manufacturers of chips for use in computer assembly .
24 The low status of manufacturing in Britain , something the UK shares with some other European countries and the United States according to Swords-Isherwood and Senker , has exacerbated the shortage of engineers .
25 Chipley was demolished in the nineteenth century and the Sanford descendants withdrew to the smaller house adjacent , where today hangs Clarke 's portrait , and legends persist about Locke composing philosophy in the bowling green .
26 For the rest , Friday turned out to be a bad day at Blackrock with Graham losing twice and McHugh and the Clarendon triple skipped by Mark Shannon all falling at the first hurdle .
27 He graduated MD , CM in 1887 and after further wanderings in the USA and the West Indies returned to Australia .
28 We mean to work out ways of using new course structures , perhaps with part-time study , new ways of teaching and an innovative approach to university admission which could enable more people from Birmingham and the West Midlands to benefit from their local university .
29 The rulers of Russia , Prussia , and the Habsburg territories succeeded in varying degrees in achieving all these aims .
30 Adam picked her up in his arms and laid her on her desk : reports slithered off it and the Cartier clock crashed to the floor .
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