Example sentences of "and the [noun pl] have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Master ’ ( Constant Drachenfels himself ) is away for a while , and the adventurers have to pose as friends or messengers , etc. , to gain any help from the old sage-Ghost .
2 As economic pressure has been tightened up against Serbia , the French and the Russians have argued for carrot as well as stick : the prospect of an easing of sanctions in return for Serbian pressure on their Bosnian brothers to make peace .
3 At one time the two water companies were in active competition and any person paying the rates , whether landlord or tenant , could change his water company as easily as his butcher or baker … although this state of things has long since ceased , and the companies have come to an arrangement so that the people can not now change their supply , all the same , the result of their earlier competition remains .
4 As Gandalf points out , all Sauron and Saruman and the orcs have done between them is ‘ bring Pippin and Merry with marvellous speed , and in the nick of time , to Fangorn , where otherwise they would never have come at all ! ’ — and so , one might say , though it is beyond Gandalf 's knowledge at the time , to rouse the Ents , overthrow Saruman , save Rohan , and free Théoden to make his decisive intervention at Minas Tirith .
5 Gilgamesh is not reported as having any significant dreams after Enkidu 's death , and despite his continuing efforts to penetrate the mysteries it becomes increasingly apparent that his powers have waned and the gods have turned against him .
6 They could ; and should have won this match and the players have to look to themselves .
7 The jargon , the mystique and the experts have dominated in the recent past .
8 But as ships have become larger and the rivers have filled with mud and silt , their functions as ports have declined .
9 Since day one they have made changes in the restaurant , and the customers have responded by eating there more often .
10 However , such documents have usually been compiled for purposes other than research and the investigators have to glean from them what appears relevant to their study .
11 ‘ George Bush and the Republicans have looked after the people who can look after themselves .
12 Every week , up to four farmers kill themselves , and the numbers have increased as the recession in agriculture deepens .
13 The leader and the ideas have ascribed to them a mysterious and irresistible power which Le Bon called ‘ prestige ’ , a notion close to , if not identical with , Weber 's concept of ‘ charisma ’ .
14 And the designers have built in reassuring similarities to the products you know and love , such as the ‘ Lotus Classic ’ menu option in Lotus for Windows , which lets you go on using the familiar ‘ / ’ method to bring up menus , until you get used to the state-of-the-art stuff .
15 The horses trained by O'Brien for this public company have not fulfilled expectations and the shares have fallen from an issue price of 30p to 17p .
16 The husband has an obligation to satisfy his wife in bed , and the rabbis have written about this in the Talmud , the Jewish law books .
17 The seller will replace free of charge any goods proved to the Seller 's satisfaction to have been damaged in transit provided that within 24 hours after delivery both the Seller and the carriers have received from the Purchaser notification in writing of the occurrence of the damage and also , if and so far as practicable , of its nature and extent .
18 And he added , ‘ This will be the first time Ah 've visited the country , but havin' read Prescott myself Ah do n't think Ah 'm goin' to like the Spaniards and what they and the mestizos have done to it . ’
19 During the past few years , relationships between the CNAA and the polytechnics have developed in a number of ways , including the changes in validation arrangements described earlier in this chapter .
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