Example sentences of "and turn [pron] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Human computation is wonderfully sensitive to context ; it captures the spirit in the message and turns it into the appropriate letters .
2 Ken Russell took the removal of restraint and stiff-upper-lip repression that American finance had encouraged and turned it into a distinctive aesthetic style .
3 SIX people accused of kidnapping a teenage girl and turning her into a human torch appeared in court yesterday .
4 In the ‘ we-reap-as-we-sow ’ category this week there are reports by Computer Reseller News that WordPerfect is now thinking about dusting off its long-standing complaints against Microsoft Corp and turning them into an anti-trust action if the US Federal Trade Commission does n't hop to and litigate .
5 Like the Tubwell torrentor it had a disconcerting habit of flooding the road and turning it into a muddy cesspool .
6 He largely reshaped this family business , rescuing it from near bankruptcy in the 1860s , extending it into tinplate in Monmouthshire , carrying through several amalgamations , and turning it into a public company in 1902 .
7 I mean many people wrote disparagingly about your attempt , your nerve in taking on a gem of the New York stage and turning it into a British directed movie .
8 In this way Ulthuan drains magic out of the known world and prevents the tide of magic overwhelming everything and turning it into a seething realm of Chaos .
9 Notebooks in hand , they listened beside her hospital bed as she told of how her attacker stripped her , tied her hands behind her back , and turned her into a human rag doll by dumping her in a city rubbish skip .
10 The relentlessly lumbering movie machine has taken a truly extreme , hallucinatory book about oppression and obedience , juiced it up with some patronising love interest and turned it into a standard ‘ women 's issues ’ film : sanitised , regulated and pointless .
11 Deracinated urban youths have built upon this uncompromisingly physical attitude to games and turned it into a different , more aggressive , and organized subculture .
12 But the heat and the darkness and the twisted magic had long since drained the heart from the land ; the dark sorcery had sucked out the goodness and turned it into a stunted , abandoned place .
13 And then the bought the drill hall and turned it into the public hall and presented it to the island .
14 Invade my space , compact my disc , shrink my knob and turn me into a blue hedgity-hog .
15 We talk to him in his language and we have tried to lift as much of the experience from his mind as we can so that it does n't fester , get covered over , then burst out in 10 years time and turn him into a disturbed child .
16 erm What you ca n't do is take somebody who really the very idea of computers , and turn them into a successful computer operator , because they will make mistakes , and having made mistakes they will be terrified and wo n't want to do it again .
17 Prussia 's attempt in 1850 to capitalize on Austrian weakness and turn herself into the pre-eminent power in Germany came to nothing when the Austrians made plain that they had recovered their nerve and were prepared to go to war on the matter .
18 Because of the sole directorship , the Revenue is trying to ride roughshod through the facts of the case and turn it into a mini investigation .
19 The Shorthorn/Highland first cross has always been popular but it took the concerted efforts of the three Cadzow brothers on an island off the west coast of Scotland to consolidate the virtues of the cross and turn it into a genuine breed , the Luing , named after the island of its origin .
20 And if it 's discovered that I spent most of my childhood in care , then reporters could make enquiries and turn it into a big thing . ’
21 ‘ The federalists want to neuter the entire continent and turn it into a giant blancmange , ’ says Robertson .
22 It 's a sobering thought that in a million years or so , the Thames will break through somewhere around Poplar High Street and turn it into a proper island .
23 Thankfully there 's always Dave Hemingway 's grin , Brian Corrigan 's Grogan-esque voice and Heaton 's foppish dancing to cheer us up and turn it into a gorgeous and lurvely night .
24 Mary can take any serviceman 's record of service and turn it into a stunning gouache painting of unit badges , decorations and awards , supported by a beautiful write-up in calligraphy .
25 UB hopes to expand sales of Phileas Fogg in pubs and smaller retailers and turn it into an international brand , doubling sales from the present £24 million in five years .
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