Example sentences of "a long way from [being] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 World-wide legal protection of invention and innovation is still a long way from being realized , although countries which include the major producers and users of intellectual property have strong laws protecting the same .
2 It was soon evident that the comfort theme from last year 's trade fair was a long way from being played out .
3 HOPES that the Highlands and Islands could be in line for a huge European Community aid package are a long way from being fulfilled , according to the Highland Regional Council official masterminding the area 's campaign for so-called Objective One economic status .
4 Epilepsy may be understood today but it is a long way from being accepted in the same way as diabetes , let alone short sight .
5 THE North-East Hockey League Championship is still a long way from being decided .
6 Who will join them in the Second Division is still a long way from being decided but GS Stirling enhanced their prospects of survival by beating Inverleith 2-0 .
7 The end of year deadline for eradication of asbestos-contaminated rolling stock , agreed many years ago between BR and the unions , was quietly and mutually forgotten when it was realised it was a long way from being achieved unless services were decimated .
8 Even so , Basque autonomy was still a long way from being achieved when , during 1933 , the left 's grip on power started to loosen .
9 But although it 's two one to Notts , the scoring is a long way from over and Pisa , two one down , are a long way from being finished with .
10 While the increase is encouraging , scientists at the National Marine Fisheries Service warn that the blue whale is still a long way from being taken off the endangered species list .
11 Ed Douglas looks at the continuing controversy surrounding plans to bolt parts of Land 's End and suggests that though the idea may be dead , it 's a long way from being buried
12 The technique is a long way from being proved but it 's given hope to thousands
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