Example sentences of "a way [that] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So far as Pitt was concerned , America came first , but he was as delighted as anyone when the English force protecting Hanover won a distinct success against France at Minden , which might have been decisive if Lord George Sackville had not disobeyed an order to charge in a way that exposed him to conspicuous , though not permanent , disgrace .
2 They should be displayed in a way that enables them to be appreciated by all the children in the class , whatever their visual capabilities .
3 Pipework and cable have to be laid and , if you deploy central heating pumps , they need to be housed in a way that enables them to be accessible , yet invisible .
4 This matter must not be singled out in a way that allows it to be used to override National Park objectives .
5 This matter must not be singled out in a way that allows it to be used to override National Park objectives .
6 Some LEAs ( notably ILEA ) have tried to present examination results in a way that relates them to the ability of the school 's intake .
7 The frescoes , for example , show many elements that are borrowed from Minoan Crete , but handled in a way that turns them into distinctively Theran compositions .
8 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
9 She tried to break from his grasp , but as she spoke he released the arm still pinned at her side and placed his hand on the curve of her neck , fondling it in a way that reminded her of an actor she 'd once seen playing Henry VIII just before a beheading scene .
10 One line of epistemological inquiry leads Habermas to explore the developed forms of knowledge in a way that locates them in terms of his phenomenological grounding of knowing subjects .
11 There is also a tendency to state the obvious in a way that stops it from being obvious .
12 In the latter case there is the additional difficulty when children hear words pronounced in a way that disconnects them from the written form .
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