Example sentences of "a great [noun] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This handmade table , which took less than a day to put together , made a great drink stand for the garden and conservatory
2 Seeing the parachutes back in the air has been a great morale booster for the base .
3 Our hilltop villa proved a great vantage point for the spectacular storms that , after a few days , cleared the air and allowed Provence to shine in her brilliant colours , as if a gauze veil had been lifted .
4 Decades of silt , washed downstream by winter floods , blocked the bay ; and a great sand storm in the early eighteenth century closed the harbour ; but , at the same time , happily for thousands of birds and generations of anglers , the loch was formed : the largest dune-slack lake in Britain .
5 A great armada sails for the Blighted Isle and Naggaroth .
6 Powerful public examples of this were seen in photographs taken after the death of the American president J.F. Kennedy who had become a great folk hero to the American people .
7 If one looks for the perfect image of a great country seat in the Victorian novel , it is hard to better this one , seen by middle-class eyes which have no place in the picture they present to the reader :
8 Castro scored a great propaganda victory as the official American role in training the exile force , and in providing it with air cover in unmarked planes , became clear .
9 It 's worthwhile reading some pre-Shakespearean drama ; you could read Everyman , a great morality play of the late Middle Ages , and Gammer Gurton 's Needle , first performed in 1566 and thought to be the second oldest English comedy .
10 Oldham was the scene of a great building boom in the second half of the nineteenth century , and many ordinary working folk bought shares in the great cotton industry that gave rise to it .
11 The result was a great half break by the skipper , Adrian Davies was on hand for a chip to the line , and a charging Ford claimed the five points to the delight of the 14,000 capacity crowd .
12 Probably they owe their exceptional size to the fact that Marlborough was a great sheep market from the earliest times , and Thame possibly a great cattle-market .
13 ‘ He 's got his own sleeping bag , and he 's a great guard dog in the tent at night , ’ Peter said .
14 Laura McCaffrey learns that whatever your skill level a dry ski slope is a great practice ground for the real thing
15 While participating in the second Rugby World Cup was a great learning experience for the United States national team ( despite a 0–3 record and being outscored 113–24 ) , for US rugby this recent World Championship was a promotional disappointment .
16 This is definitely a growth area and with more of Water & Ventilation staff running and selling training the list will undoubtedly grow , it also acts as a great training exercise for the presenter .
17 Interestingly , this did n't translate into a great database benchmark in the What Personal Computer Power Tests , although it still returned an overall score of around 14,500 .
18 Was this a case of folie de grandeur , in which Britain 's economic recovery was sacrificed to anachronistic ( and unsocialist ? ) attempts to retain a great power stance in the world ?
19 Nevertheless , Boswell enlightened his readers regarding ‘ The thickness of the walls , the small slaunting windows , and a great iron door at the entrance to the second story as you ascend the stairs , all indicate the rude times in which this castle was erected . ’
20 It was then transformed into a castle by Countess Telfener at the turn of the century and became a great meeting place of the cultured and famous of the area , and a venue for duels .
21 The All the Year Round Christmas Number for 1865 , ‘ Mugby Junction ’ ( CS 19 ) , which includes the ghost story of ‘ The Signalman ’ , has for its setting a great railway junction in the Midlands ( Rugby ) , and CD 's journalism contains many references to railways , e.g. ‘ A Flight ’ ( RP ) , which vividly evokes the journey from London to Paris by train and boat .
22 While we were waiting for the chillim to be filled and passed around , Kalchu pointed out a conical heap of stones at the base of a great cedar tree near the edge of the glade .
23 This is a great picture book on the making of Francis Ford Coppola 's film , as well as an interesting portrait of ol' red eyes himself .
24 Second , senescence might evolve because of a greater mutation load on the later , and less strongly selected , part of the life history ( the mutational explanation ) .
25 For the first time , ministers formally acknowledged the security aspirations of the 12 members of the European Communities ( EC ) , some of whom had urged a greater defence role for the nine-country Western European Union [ see pp. 37212 ; 37931 ; 38216 ] .
26 For R = SiH 3 the value is 0·55 eV , showing a greater delocalization effect for the silyl compound than for the methyl .
27 Most investigators have observed that H pylori infection causes a greater percentage increase in the postprandial gastrin than fasting gastrin .
28 As the stone free interval proved to be one of the most important predictive factors for gall stone recurrence , this imbalance introduced a potential bias towards a greater recurrence rate in the ursodeoxycholic acid group , than in the placebo group .
29 I understand that the police resources are stretched , but a greater police presence in the town would go some way to discourage this sort of attack .
30 ‘ Working towards the award has helped to create a greater teamwork spirit throughout the factory . ’
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