Example sentences of "and [ex0] have been [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I would state my own area ; we 've put residents ' parking into the south and the east and the west , but the north , as yet , has not come into it and erm traffic management is carefully monitored and erm developers that come have to provide certain amounts towards management within the area and there have been developments within North Oxford and there has been money available , and we 've not seen any of it yet , and we would , on certain occasions , like to know why .
2 Heads of department from the Soviet trade union centre , the AUCCTU , are expected to visit Congress House in the New Year on a fact-finding mission , and there have been requests for training links to be built between the TUC and the Hungarian trade union body , SZOT , which has been attempting to restructure itself over the last two years .
3 He has only a one-year contract and there have been differences with chairman Bob Murray , including the failure to sign Everton 's Ray Atteveld , the loss of Paul Bracewell after a contract dispute and a boardroom veto on selling £750,000 Gordon Armstrong to Southampton .
4 He has only a one-year contract and there have been differences with chairman Bob Murray , including the failure to sign Everton 's Ray Atteveld , the loss of Paul Bracewell after a contract dispute and a boardroom veto on selling £750,000 Gordon Armstrong to Southampton .
5 Cash limits have prompted increasing efforts to determine the sources of particular expenditure , and there have been initiatives in the financial area whether to improve collection of descriptive information or on cost-effectiveness programmes .
6 Even now , however , good-quality large-scale canvases rarely fetch more than $4 million ; and there have been problems with forgeries .
7 And there have been problems with with ground water in some of those areas .
8 The demands of the National Curriculum have put great pressure upon the educational service in new forms of school management and there have been problems of staffing and funding .
9 Fingerspelling has been available longer and there have been studies of it .
10 Gastrointestinal involvement by amyloid has been reported in dialysis patients , and there have been cases of intestinal infarction associated with massive amyloid deposits in the muscle layers of the bowel .
11 Here , a granuloma forms around the larva on the retina , often resembling a retinoblastoma , and there have been cases of precipitate removal of the eye in children following misdiagnosis .
12 At the Prague conference on unemployment , organized by the Comintern in August 1931 , he complained : The unemployed movement has been regarded as a section of the Minority Movement and there have been tendencies in the Minority Movement towards disbanding the existing unemployed movement and substituting it by a special section of the Minority Movement .
13 Even in the ‘ feminine ’ arts , however , women have been subject to more subtle pressures : arts , it is believed , are the domain of ‘ feminine ’ men , not women , and there have been attempts in recent years to render the arts more ‘ masculine ’ .
14 Although there has been a radical management shake-up and there have been improvements in organisation and efficiency , the fundamental ethos of the NHS — provision of medical service free at the point of use — has remained unchanged .
15 The Vice Squad have taken their cue and there have been reports of seizures of safer-sex literature on the grounds that it is obscene : e.g. ‘ Vice Squad rejects ‘ crude ’ AIDS leaflet' ( The Guardian .
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