Example sentences of "and [indef pn] that [vb mod] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the answer may be , it is certain that we are dealing with an extremely strange reaction here , and one that might repay much greater attention .
2 The issue of theatrical performance is an important one , and one that will appear again in the next chapter .
3 All in all a most intriguing debut and one that will stay long in the mind .
4 The location of control over television is of crucial importance , and one that will become increasingly so in the volatile arena of broadcasting — terrestrial and satellite — in the next few years .
5 An ERM with fully integrated capital markets , and now without the glue of stabilising expectations of that sort , is anything but ‘ tried and tested ’ : it is a new experiment , and one that could go badly wrong .
6 I has taken me a while to figure out that ‘ we ai n't got Windows , we got DOS ’ so I would appreciate any advice in your columns on the basics — what sorts of programs are suitable for a simple soul like me who needs to knock out the odd poster , magazine or newsletter and something that will look more professional , from time to time .
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