Example sentences of "and [that] [pers pn] should have [art] " in BNC.

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1 It has often been argued that the House of Lords should be abolished and that we should have a unicameral system of Government .
2 It is on behalf of the latter that we should have had an opportunity of voting in Committee , which we were denied , and that we should have an opportunity tonight to vote in the House .
3 Similarly , it is considered that the distinctiveness of the smaller constituent parts of the United Kingdom should be recognised and that they should have a guaranteed membership .
4 Additional requirements were that the patients should be over 18 years of age , of fixed abode , and that they should have a prior history of good compliance with treatment .
5 The notion that you have a group of children that you can categorize , say like partially sighted , or maladjusted , or educationally subnormal , and that they should have a special education , is one that 's been increasingly challenged over the years and I think the Warnock Report actually moves considerably away from that notion and says no , we do n't want to separate off a particular group because they appear to have a single erm or even a multiple disability , what we want to do is to look at the needs of each individual child and ask what is it about that particular child that makes the achievement of education objectives more difficult than another child .
6 Gqozo subsequently proposed that his territory should similarly form a republic with the Eastern Cape and that it should have an " inalienable right to terminate its ties with the central government at any time " .
7 The Bishop ordained that the Vicar of Hailing should receive as his portion £5 10s yearly and that he should have the same acreage of land as the vicars of old possessed and also " all oblations what so ever within the bounds and limits of the parish , all the tithes of hay , lambs , wool , mills , calves , chicken , pigs , geese , ducks , eggs , bees ' honey , wax , cheese , milk , milk-meats , flax , hemp , pears , apples , garden herbs , pigeon houses , and merchandise , fisheries , pastures , onions , garlic and saffron , also the tithes , sheaves cultivated either by plough or spade and also the tithes of wood for fuel , coppice wood , thorns , rushes , faggots and fardells , within the bounds of the Parish , all of which the vicars and his successors shall have "
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