Example sentences of "and [that] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I learned from him , more vividly than from anyone else , that the study of the New Testament is an exciting adventure , and that while it calls for a rigorous-critical discipline , it is not made less scientific if the student brings to it his own experience of faith . ’
2 From then on I continually sought quiet , and that although I went from one place to another .
3 ‘ If you consider that out of the 1,800 listed companies the top 200 account for 85 per cent of the equity market by market capital , and that once you get to the next 100 companies like ourselves they already have comparatively few qualified people in the finance function , the addition of equally qualified internal audit people looks like overkill . ’
4 Now the basis for the pathogenesis is not well enough established for us to expect you to understand the details of how it achieves these processes , but one thing which is remarkably clear is that the organism is a capsule producing organism and that once it gets into the er cerebral spinal fluid that predominately is an acute inflammatory .
5 he went mad and he was trying to cover it up and that cos I mean over the club , and he goes there on a Saturday afternoon , he gets some stick over there .
6 Explained that I had no power to do this without your authority but would be glad to know Tolbukhin 's views and that if they coincided with mine I would ask you officially .
7 In The Cloud of Unknowing he did not present the whole complexity of the Greek mystic 's vision , but dwelt upon his central belief that God is ultimately and essentially incomprehensible to the human mind and that if we want to ‘ know ’ God in this life , we must divest ourselves of all our ideas about the reality that we call ‘ God ’ .
8 West German electoral law prescribes that in principle the magnitude of a constituency should not deviate by more than 25% from the average , and that if it deviates by more than 33.3% its boundaries must be redrawn .
9 Alright all I all I 'd ask is that would you erm just mention to him what I 've said and that if he believes after discussion with you that there are some pallets which are not in a fit state to send out , and they are gon na tip over on a lorry and dislodge , then they are rejected and Pete Pete knows about it and they are they are actually isolated and rewrapped .
10 " Foolishly , I dined with him to make clear that I would n't see him again and that if he persisted with his unwanted attention I would have no choice but to go to you .
11 He said he should have said that morning that if you looked at Dynmouth in one way you saw it prettily , with its tea-shops and lace ; and that if you looked at it in another way there was Timothy Gedge .
12 Perhaps I should have been frank with her , admitted honestly that I did n't love her and that if she insisted on marrying me she would be condemning both of us to a joyless union .
13 Except that the mattress had smelt musty , and that as they lay in bed through those long cold mornings they could just see the spire of the Congregational church through the window .
14 Benny did n't know that Peggy Pine was an old friend of Mother Francis , that they had been girls years ago and that when she came to the convent she called Mother Francis Bunty .
15 A third , a small blonde , always wore huge , baggy clothes and men 's hoots , saying she wanted to look aggressive , to get away from the things that being small and blonde are supposed to mean , and that when she walked down the street wearing her monkey boots and trench coat she felt great , confident and striding , and daring anyone to make a comment .
16 The useful information in this book is shot through with the engaging assertion that the books are biographical and that when he journeyed to some of the scenes of Hornblower 's exploits the author was truly following in the steps of his hero .
17 He claimed that customers were appalled by the players ' language and that when he asked for order they threatened to punch out his lights .
18 I 'd just like to say that you can have two mothers and that you can two mothers quite happily , and that when you talk about women having the right to reproductive technology that includes single women , lesbians , not just heterosexual women .
19 The Modern Picture World reported that this ‘ daring ’ film was doing well at the De Kalb theatre in Brooklyn and that when it opened on Broadway the ‘ socialist ’ Upton Sinclair would be present at each performance .
20 And that when it comes to quality , service or safety , it 's often worth spending a little more ?
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