Example sentences of "and [Wh det] [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That date is especially important for those Japanese cars built on what Levy described as ‘ the Japanese aircraft carrier that is the UK , and which is pointed towards continental Europe ’ .
2 The basis for status may vary : it may he anything a social group claims as giving superiority and which is recognised by other groups — examples might include wealth , religious purity .
3 Eric Midwinter is quite categoric in his chapter about the discrimination which exists against older people in government appointments to voluntary office and which is applied by voluntary organisations themselves towards their older volunteers .
4 It will also need to be aware that concerns such as these expose a major limitation of the school-controlled model of INSET which Leeds , in common with other LEAs , has adopted , and which is reinforced by current government funding arrangements and LMS .
5 Here , then , we have a stratification system whose strata are defined in terms of ascribed status attributes and which is legitimated by religious values .
6 She is not interested in data as entities to be modeled but in texts as purposeful acts of communication which carry meaning and which are related to other texts .
7 The ‘ collegiate ’ quality of the three-level dwellings which are sited in the topmost section of the nave and which are reached via integral winding staircases is particularly delightful .
8 The Perfumer will then test one or more of the eight basic perfume modules , the basic building blocks of perfume which Guy Robert has created in Paris and which are displayed in rich glass jars .
9 Effective and profitable national M&A practices which enjoy the support of local senior management and which are invested with sufficient professional and technical resources to allow the provision of an appropriate scope of M&A advisory services .
10 Disabled Facilities Grants are available to people who are disabled , for works which improve their access to essential facilities and which are supported by Social Services Department as being ‘ necessary and appropriate ’ .
11 During the year , the residential courses which we have organised since 1985 and which are aimed at young people aged between 16 and 19 years , produced our 1,000th graduate .
12 Anything less would be to return to representations of our bodies which do not belong to us , and which are produced in other languages than our own .
13 Alternatively , he may have represented a powerful aristocratic family descended from neither the Deiran nor the Bernician royal family and which was aspiring to royal power for the first time , though the likelihood is that some such affinity was at least claimed .
14 One witness said a security video at a takeaway restaurant which captured two men running down Pitteville Street in Cheltenham , and which was shown on Central South News , prompted her to make a statement to the police .
15 As Foucault and others have demonstrated , the interpretation of information in contemporary society follows a set of discursive criteria which determine what is classified as objectively true and what is seen as subjective opinion or fiction .
16 As sense of humour and what is regarded as acceptable changes , traditional cards , liberally sprinkled with glitter and sugary prose , take a back seat as titillating varieties , sometimes extremely rude , find increasing space on the shelves .
17 It was possible to establish plausible relationships between what is known about normal language acquisition , especially learning to read , and what is known about developmental disorders of language , especially developmental dyslexia .
18 And this little book , I do n't know whether you 've come across it , is a fairly technical description of what 's happening in different parts of the world , and what is meant by sustainable management of tropical crops .
19 TANU later severed its link with Mwafrika — evidently because of that paper 's strident racial tone and what were regarded as poor editorial and reporting policies — and helped to found another paper , Ngurumo ( ‘ The Thunder ’ ) , in 1959 .
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