Example sentences of "and [was/were] [adv] [verb] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 My subject of frost covered trees and hedgerows involved little colour and was mostly worked up in a sequence of colour tinted greys bearing reference numbers in the 800s .
2 Their case began in an industrial tribunal in 1986 , went to the European Court and was finally ruled on in April 1991 .
3 One school of thought has it that William received his regular thrashing for untidy work and was then locked up in a tiny room to rewrite it .
4 A declaration of French hostility to the candidature was drawn up , which , on the next day , was approved by the full Council of Ministers , and was then read out in the Legislative Body .
5 The superseding of medieval forms of agricultural exploitation had taken centuries ( and was still going on in some parts of Europe in 1880 ) , but the decisive changes were over ; the worker had been freed from indissoluble ties with the land , that land itself was increasingly treated as a commodity like any other , and it absorbed more and more capital to make higher and higher production possible .
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