Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He went down on a loose ball and my boot landed on him .
2 I was grabbed and my satchel torn from me .
3 There was a sickening lurch as my chute opened and my harness tightened round me so that I could hardly breathe .
4 It was almost a year before Farr 's was rebuilt and my father worked at his forge in the open air right through the winter .
5 The trolley had been pushed a few feet away and my handbag removed from my shopping bag .
6 This usually presents as sentimentality and my mother talked to her cactuses with affection and called them sweet names .
7 The reasons which led to the Civil War of 1642 – 48 are explained , and the parts Chepstow and its lord played in it are outlined .
8 Her old-fashioned courtly Urdu was difficult to understand and her daughter translated for me .
9 Her cheeks were burning and her heart hammered against her ribs as though trying to escape .
10 There were ladders in both her stockings today and her hair spilled from its bun at all sides .
11 Always , maid or matron , she was the supplicant and her standing varied with her usefulness .
12 As Carolyn started to read a look of absorption came over the child 's face , and her thumb slotted into her mouth .
13 She had felt her spirit suppressed by school routine and her character cramped by her minor position in the family .
14 But her father and her uncle fought over her continually , dragging her into their lifelong feud , trying to get her to take sides .
15 Damian turned his dark head to look down at her , and her gaze lifted to his mouth .
16 A second later , the rocks burst into fragments , but Ace was coming downhill now , sliding and rolling with an avalanche of stones and scree , her pony tail flying behind her and her blaster held above her head .
17 Fuzzy highlights delineated her features and her mouth lagged behind her words .
18 She lay back , her eyes closed , and her pulse strengthened under his fingers .
19 Claudia looked in the long mirror for the last time , and her breath caught in her throat ; that beautiful bride could n't be her .
20 She smiled faintly and her breath caught in her throat at his answering expression .
21 But even as she held the knob in her hand and was about to turn it , she hesitated and her arm dropped to her side .
22 Her head spun dizzily with sheer joy and her face lit with her golden smile .
23 He was making a statement that was demeaning to her , and yet her flesh burned , familiar fire stabbed at her loins and her body stirred against his , jerkily at first and then involuntarily adopting a rhythm that was both sinuous and surging , blatantly erotic .
24 He was kissing her with small caresses of his mouth , teasing her cheeks and nose , tempting her brows and the corners of her mouth , so that her breath grew shallow and her body leaned against his solid frame for support .
25 What if a crowd of soldiers came by to see her bound helpless with her legs spread , and her quim exposed to them .
26 She suddenly felt the need to ride , to gallop at speed , her face into the wind and her mind filled with nothing but the rhythm of her mount .
27 The citizens were assisted by a body of slaves , and their wealth depended on their increasing hold over the trade of the eastern Mediterranean .
28 ‘ Bombed ? ’ said Johnny sharply , and his grip tightened on her hand .
29 She felt his urgency as he moved against her and his breathing caught against her neck .
30 His hands left her shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief , and his gaze locked with hers as if he could read her soul in its depth .
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