Example sentences of "and [subord] he [vb past] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There was evidence that the overwhelming likelihood was , on the history , that he would abscond and if he did so there was a serious risk of significant harm .
2 But then I mean come and saw me once , you see , when I was n't there like that and he he tested from top to bottom , he said well ar ar after we sit and talked , and like he said well I better give you the once over , I said th er , certainly .
3 Mr Barnet — it was clearly he — continued to look at her , and while he did so she could not look away .
4 He explained without the slightest embarrassment , and while he did so he looped lengths of the rope clothes ' line by his feet .
5 She did not say more and when he came closer he saw that if it was sleep that had found her it was of a troubled nightmare kind , the sleep of the ill and the stressed .
6 Then in the morning he thought he 'd better be getting back home so he started home and when he got home he discovered it was the harvest time .
7 When he visited Ottery in August 1793 his brothers reluctantly agreed to help him ; but some of the money they supplied was frittered away on the journey back to Cambridge , and when he got there he discovered a host of forgotten debts .
8 John Mortimer ( Mail on Sunday ) certainly took his time getting to the book , and when he got there he was cliché-ridden enough and bland enough even to stand out from that bland and cliché-ridden paper : ‘ This is an important book which makes us face the fact that genius does n't go with happiness , or blandly acceptable opinions .
9 Bowler said her husband had been out drinking and when he returned home there had been an argument .
10 Merymose paused before replying , and when he did so he was awkward .
11 There was a long silence and then a deep sigh from Fernando and when he spoke again his voice was soft and almost at the point of exhaustion .
12 Len was silent for a moment then he gave a huge sigh and when he spoke again there was a note of hopelessness in his voice and no sign of the bravado he had shown only moments earlier .
13 The Woman pushed at the door , behind Doyle 's chair , and when he moved sideways she stepped in .
14 For a long time he stood in front of the town map , gazing at it as though he would memorise its every feature , and when he turned away it was to ask for a cup of coffee .
15 The cripple turned to make off into the undergrowth and as he did so there was a twang from Marian 's bow and one of his crutches spun from under him and he was down one-sidedly .
16 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
17 He concluded the dance with a double spin , springing sideways in the air and kicking his feet sharply together and as he did so he landed in a heap on the bed .
18 Hugh gave her its regular after-lunch kiss , and as he did so he saw , out of the corner of his wary eye , the extremely unwelcome figure of his father-in-law coming down Chancery Lane , carrying a walking-stick and an armful of newspapers .
19 And as he did so he continued to speak , letting his voice rise and fall like a flowing stream , lulling the sleeping child .
20 Frantically he rolled clear of any follow-up attack , and as he did so he felt something hard and bulky dig painfully into the small of his back .
21 He groped vaguely with his right hand as though reaching for a brush and as he did so he experienced an intolerable contraction in his chest , a paralysing pain , and with a cry of anguish he fell , taking the stool with him .
22 As they walked on , he started to talk about her future contract , and as he did so he put his arm about her shoulders and held her close .
23 Martin strode quickly towards him , picked up the phone , said , ‘ Yes ? ’ then listened ; and as he did so his head began to move in small jerks as he looked from side to side .
24 and as he did so his bow tie lit up ; the small red stones were really lights .
25 She stood motionless , wondering what he was about to do , and as he moved closer she suddenly had the ridiculous impression he was going to kiss her .
26 This time it proved to be the tunnel 's end , and as he drew nearer he saw the shadowy outline of a ladder etched against the concrete .
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