Example sentences of "and [subord] [pers pn] be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He may know the difference between a tractor which works and one which does not , but he can not know how many tractors are required , what sort of tractors to build , and where they are most needed .
2 In a general practice in north Edinburgh , between 1987 and 1989 , 265 injecting drug users were asked if they had any children and , if so , when they had been born and where they were currently living .
3 Wherever possible , jobs could be created at localities of most need , but a greater worker mobility than has been displayed in the past should be expected , and where it is not obtained , financial restrictions should be exerted to encourage fit , able but reluctant people to move from the old , worked-out pockets of industry to new opportunities elsewhere .
4 Having been nurtured in this way and observed adult males receiving the same treatment , boys may expect similar preferential treatment and where it is not offered automatically , demand it as a right .
5 The discovery of a bird when and where it was least expected can be a magical experience .
6 Most organisms , ranging from other microbes to man , can absorb folic acid and rely on it to provide their needs , and so they are not affected by sulphonamides .
7 Shorter wavelengths than this can cause damage to animal tissue and so they are not used by any life , except us .
8 Few of the settlements in Palestine have any means of protecting themselves , and so they are sometimes attacked by armed Arabs .
9 So they all had hookworm , and they did n't have a good diet , and so they were badly affected .
10 In fact over 90% of U.K. entrants have degrees , and so you are well advised to study for a degree if you have the opportunity to do so .
11 And so you 're really set on pulverizing our bunch then ?
12 We have been involved in research of a very similar nature for some time , and although we are not publishing in such august journals as The Phyrologist you may be interested to learn of our most recent advance .
13 Obviously , as you will see by the one we have enclosed with these notes they have cost the Society a fairly substantial amount of money and although we are still allowing you to have them free of charge we ask that you use them very sparingly Thank you .
14 The Gloucesters have brought with them over two hundred families and although they 're not confined to barracks there 's certain areas of the province which are definitely out of bounds .
15 In Rex v. Brighton Corporation , Ex parte Thomas Tilling Ltd. ( 1916 ) 85 L.J.K.B. 1552 , 1555 Sankey J. said : ‘ Persons who are called upon to exercise the functions of granting licences for carriages and omnibuses are , to a great extent , exercising judicial functions ; and although they are not bound by the strict rules of evidence and procedure observed in a court of law , they are bound to act judicially .
16 They are an intelligent breed , quite sensitive , and although they are sometimes reserved they are particularly fond of children , and can become firm friends with them .
17 These are the inorganic elements in the diet , and although they are only needed in tiny amounts , they have very important functions .
18 And although they were n't allowed to sell them for money , people could give them objects , could give them things like coffee and things like that
19 The character Tamburlaine dominates throughout this tragedy , and although he is rarely challenged , it is interesting to see the stark contrast between his character and those he is surrounded by .
20 and although he 's well trained and they exercise him .
21 Although Nizan was later to pour scorn on the moral self-righteousness and indignation of a non-communist majority in France venting its spleen on the treacherousness of the USSR , 8 and although he was also to recognise the Soviet Union 's need to act expediently at a time of impending international disaster , 9 nonetheless something fundamental had clearly snapped in Nizan 's psychology .
22 Mr Rushdie also met federal parliamentarians in Ottawa , and although he was not granted time with the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , he said that his reception by the External Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall encouraged him to believe that Canada was firmly behind the campaign to get the death sentence lifted .
23 The Archbishop arrived in Munich between performances of La finta giardiniera , and although he was not to hear the work himself , he learnt about it from the Elector and his family :
24 Her never-failing enthusiasm and dedication helped to build the strong support now enjoyed in this area , and although she is now retired , she still attends a weekly class .
25 Chirk had been held by Gloucester and although it is not stated in the grant the king was evidently promoting , or at least sanctioning , an exchange of interests .
26 Chirk had been held by Gloucester and although it is not stated in the grant the king was evidently promoting , or at least sanctioning , an exchange of interests .
27 The rights to Presley 's ‘ Sun ’ recordings were acquired by RCA Victor together with the rights to the artist , and although it is now known that the tapes in RCA Victor 's vault are not actually the 1955 originals , they are extremely good copies , and all have been reissued on compact disc .
28 The building dates back to the early 1800s and although it was partly rebuilt in the early 1900s it still resembles the original design .
29 The Gloucestershire Whigs , for example , drew up an address against those who had " showed respect " to Sacheverell on his progress , and although it was eventually rejected by the grand jury , which was dominated by Tory JPs , a number of subscriptions were procured , especially by the local Nonconformist ministers amongst the " spinners and weavers and other mean people under their teaching " .
30 She had just begun to settle into her neat flat , and although it was n't furnished expensively the few pieces she had were chosen with loving care .
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