Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [Wh det] [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Prosecuting uneducated deaf people with no speech , and accepting what they said in their defence in those days was however a different matter altogether from allowing the same people to go into the witness box and testify against other people .
2 At Riverside Studios during the interval of a play in Russian , I was chatting about anything other than the play to the Guardian 's critic , Michael Billington , when Mark Dignam approached Billington and , most courteously and with a touch of a bow , said : ‘ Mr Billington , I look forward to reading you tomorrow and seeing what I think of the play . ’
3 To be the Devil 's Advocate , to enable/provoke the class into clarifying their feelings and articulating what they believe to be right : " I do n't see why we should share the proceeds . "
4 Peters and Austin ( 1986 ) use the image of the leader as ‘ chief salesperson ’ where leadership is involved in creating an image of the organisation and symbolising what it stands for .
5 Her job is to push Cabinet ministers ‘ to do what is right ’ ; this involves reminding them of the Government 's strategy laid down in the manifestos and combating what she regards as the inertia inherent in departments .
6 A 13 year old girl and her younger brother , from Bartestree near Hereford , were stopped by a man in a white car and wearing what they describe as police uniform , who offered them a lift home .
7 Wives , becoming less absorbed as babies become more clearly their own persons , but often remaining tied , tired or bored by the demands of toddlers , perhaps feeling lonely and lacking enough external stimulus , may similarly find themselves resenting and envying what they see as their husbands ' ‘ freedom ’ of action .
8 Even when their attitude to chastity is positive and enriching , they are still made to feel that they are less than normal and lacking what it takes to be fully developed human beings .
9 Someone who 's had the courage who knowing that what they were saying was upsetting powerful people , still taking that risk and saying what they felt to be true and just ?
10 Early in 1975 , when the condition of her health — she had had a recurrence of cancer — was obviously very serious , Elizabeth wrote to me about the letters , requesting the destruction of her own after her death , and asking what I wished to be done with mine .
11 The most dangerous of all the spiders is the black widow , a small species that is common throughout America and which responds to vibrations of its web by rushing out and biting what it considers to be its next meal .
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