Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [that] [pers pn] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The government issued statements , before and after the April arrests , criticizing the activities of DP members in northern Uganda and suggesting that they were helping to perpetuate the insurgency , although no evidence of this was presented .
2 I 'm gon na write and say and seeing that they 're going to reorganize the way they 're gon na collect the community charge , you know , they 're gon na do it on houses
3 Tealtaoich stood quite still , regarding the waiting Trees and seeing that they were listening and apparently politely prepared to hear anything he had to say .
4 spends his day blending the malt and seeing that it is despatched correctly .
5 When I was assigned to investigate Ruggiero 's kidnapping , Pietro made a statement to the press drawing attention to my lack of experience and my political views and demanding that I be replaced immediately .
6 On Dec. 18 the UN Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 799 condemning the Israeli action and demanding that it be rescinded , but the Israeli Cabinet , meeting on Dec. 20 , reaffirmed its decision .
7 For each key stage , programmes of study are to be drawn up specifying what pupils of different abilities are to be taught in each subject , and attainment targets set out specifying the knowledge , skills and understanding that they are expected to have acquired by the end of the stage .
8 She made a direct assault on his leadership credentials by accusing him of planning to introduce Labour Party policies and implying that he was motivated primarily by personal ambition .
9 " Now all this time , El-ahrairah was dancing and mating and boasting that he was going to Frith 's meeting to receive a great gift .
10 ‘ If , therefore , for any unhappy reason , counsel for the defence is unable to accept the assumption which stems from the fact that a particular statement has not been made available to him by the prosecution , it would become counsel 's duty to invite the judge to exercise the discretionary power which is given to him by the proviso to section 18 of the Evidence Law , ( c. 118 [ J. ] ) , by examining the statement himself and directing that it be used in such manner as the justice of the case demands .
11 It so happened that the very train that ended Mr Cubbage 's life was carrying the delayed mail and in one of the mail bags was a letter from Coleen agreeing to Mr Cubbage 's proposal of marriage and saying that she was coming home to her lover .
12 He poured himself more whisky , pressing Herr Nordern to have another , too , and saying that he was leading the Norderns into bad ways but that they must forgive him as it was n't very often they saw him , ha ! ha ! and Herr Nordern , while not prepared to accept that he was led by anyone except the leaders of his country , took the whisky , thinking , what the devil , he had worked like a dog all day , and it was true , Karl would not be with them much longer and they would probably never see him again and , he had to confess , he would n't mind if he never saw him again as long as either of them lived .
13 If on the other hand you have access to a colour television set at the place where you are staying , you may be able to use this instead , provided that it can be tuned to your camcorder 's signal output and assuming that it is designed for use on the same television standard as the camcorder , eg UK PAL for machines sold in Great Britain ( see page 153 ) .
14 As heir to the droit morale and guardian of the Magritte estate , Charly Herscovici explained that ‘ Inheriting this intellectual property makes me responsible for protecting the artist and his work , and ensuring that it is handed down for posterity .
15 In an attempt to improve the effective provision of intelligence to decision makers , some companies , particularly in the USA , are experimenting with various ways of developing a process of gathering information , analysing and interpreting the information and ensuring that it is used effectively in the decision-making process .
16 I mean the strain on families must be enormous in a strike situation and for both people in the family to be having an input and feeling that they 're getting some sort of feedback from the situation that it 's not just despair must surely you know be you know there 's that side to it and then erm from the women 's point of view I mean we have like I said become one big family in a way you know and the social side of the strike in a way you know people are sa you know going out more maybe and certainly
17 When this order first went out there was great alarm and feeling that it was to tax Christenings , Weddings and Burials .
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