Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [conj] [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He enjoys colouring and drawing when he 's had a fit .
2 And seeing that someone had joined them in the chapel , he pinched Caterina 's cheek , and lightly slapping her shoulder , said aloud , ‘ Away with you , find someone else to pester . ’
3 I remember waking up and reaching down automatically and realising that they had shaved me which was my biggest shock .
4 But if you are working from a consultancy or from an office situated at some distance from the manufacturing units you will need to organise a system for sending a product out and checking that it has gone .
5 You know , the one where I retreat into a broad North Country accent which makes Su Pollard sound like a stockbroker , and start straining sycophantically and laughing before they 've finished the punchline …
6 Mrs Healy said that she heard the girls were running and laughing like they had done in Knockglen and they were hit by a car .
7 Then Richard returned to Poitiers and from there , on 2 February , he sent envoys to his father reporting his success and announcing that he had pacified all parts of Aquitaine .
8 It was in the course of that initial watching and listening that she had come across Amy .
9 People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time .
10 ‘ Oh , we prefer to keep our relationship very private at this stage , ’ she answered the other nurse , sounding much less assured , now , to her own ears , and regretting that she had started this silly game .
11 Paul wrote to Dr Heatherton as he had intended , thanking him for his trouble and saying that he had called in the hope of meeting him .
12 Noticing that her hands are shaking and knowing that he has noticed she forces herself to act cool , not daring for the moment to analyse her disquiet lest she is incapable of handling the reason .
13 If you could go to her , genuinely sorry for the hurt you had caused her and knowing that you had come to terms with your conflict about the difference in your ages , then maybe she might be willing to consider starting again .
14 Once you come to the end of the page — or some other sensible stopping point — and assuming that you have understood what you have been reading , write on your pad a heading and a list of the key words contained in the piece .
15 They will be sent to you during the dormant season , and assuming that you have bought some in this way , we will now turn our attention to our preparations to welcome them .
16 He kept leaping into the darkroom , created for the Photographic Society on the first floor , and claiming that he had heard the sound of munching .
17 UP leaders immediately demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister Carlos Lemos Simmons , accusing him of ultimate responsibility for the crime and claiming that he had encouraged right-wing death squads to murder UP leaders .
18 It 's nice when you pick up a guitar , knowing it to be a company 's idea of what a first electric should be like , and finding that they 've got it just about right .
19 He told me how , when he had first moved there , the local MP had written to him congratulating him on his climbing and mentioning that he had had a one-legged uncle who climbed .
20 He saw himself , ten years on , a querulous old man complaining in self-pity : What company have my children ever been to me ? — and forgetting that he had sent them so lightly away from him , Blanche across the sea to Heidelberg , to a husband she had never seen ; Philippa , possibly , to remote Denmark ; Thomas , only this Spring , to be titular governor and keep his court in Ireland , and try to make good the wrack and ruin of castles and garrisons there .
21 I was in charge of the rummage crew , and feeling that I had done my bit went to find the others .
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