Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 Kelly smiled as she thought of his early attempts at cooking and the hours he 'd spent coaching and encouraging her while she 'd practised riding a finish on the back of the sofa .
2 I quickly talked him out of that , telling him that he must find out the truth before passing judgment , and reminding him that he had had a good marriage .
3 I charged at them , yelping encouragement to the wheelbarrow , and patting it when it had done well .
4 A headmaster friend told me recently that he had burst into a classroom mistakenly thinking some pupils were up to no good , only to discover it was drama ; and I recall one of my own students , in playing the role of a prisoner-of-war camp commandant berating the ‘ prisoners ’ and warning them that he had ways of finding out where the missing prisoner was if he did n't own up , was somewhat taken aback to hear the voice of the school caretaker call from the other end of the drama hall , ‘ There 's a boy here , Mr. Ainscough , skulking by this radiator ’ !
5 I think that people live in such a world of fantasy around what they think is going on and kidding themselves that they have some ‘ control ’ , that a kind of chink in the armour like that is terrifying .
6 I was doing the scrubbing and Changez was miserably holding the bucket in the deserted shop and asking me if I had any more Harold Robbins novels he could borrow .
7 You know , I think we 've that nobody keeps us We 've had a name over the years that we 're an expensive carrier , and it 's just sort of keep going and educating them that we 've come down in the market or ,
8 I 've got the phone number er it 's just a case now of er getting on and getting it advertised and marketing it but it 's all been signed
9 Okay well do n't worry do n't worry he ca n't you know just think of something though having said that if you look at the role that you played in the group moving towards the chairman 's style , taking over the group perhaps becoming and you were n't a person that sort of took over and forced your views on everybody but you were certainly up there at the front with and listening to people taking information and manipulating everything that you had to fit what was coming in from everybody so that does show Chairman 's skills , Chairman tendencies
10 He started knocking me about and telling me that I had to bring in this or that amount of money .
11 And er er sort of phone call one afternoon at half past four from the deputy , oh by the way , in fact if we had n't been talking to any Brummies on a we would 've been interviewing people and telling them that they 'd got a three year and these are all points that are gon na be brought up next week , but I do n't see there is any possibility of them doing an about turn because they 've gone public on it .
12 One , Sir Joseph Robinson , who had been convicted for fraudulent share-dealing in South Africa , was sufficiently so that the Chief Whip , F. E. Guest , was charged with calling on him in his suite at the Savoy Hotel and telling him that he had no alternative but to withdraw from the list even though his name had already been published .
13 So what was stopping him from going to her and telling her that she had no need to worry ?
14 Lifting up her pink nightdress her mother had then smacked her behind as hard as she could , afterwards putting her face next to Carla 's and telling her that she had had enough .
15 She could feel Jackie watching her as she took a step forward , but she resisted the temptation to glance back , thrusting herself away from him , one step after another , angrily trying to justify her uncharacteristic behaviour and telling herself that she had no need to justify it .
16 For a long time she lay awake , staring into the darkness and telling herself that she had been absolutely crazy to let this happen .
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