Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [pron] [noun] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In an important sense , Hugh may almost be looked on as the instigator of the Investiture decree of 1078 , for he had gone to Rome for his episcopal consecration four years earlier in order to avoid contact with a secular ruler , who claimed the right both to nominate and to invest his nominee in his episcopal office .
2 Meanwhile , Christian National Education was designed to fit white people to remain rulers and to enhance their belief in their moral and racial superiority .
3 Her aim had been to get the girls excited about mathematics , and to give them confidence in their own ability .
4 They are coming from the second and third generations of families who have migrated to this country , families who have encouraged their children to enter the professions and vocations as lawyers , doctors , nurses and local government officers and to retain their competence in their own language .
5 The Working Party included in its proposals for programmes of study those aspects of media education and IT which contribute most directly to the central aim of English : to widen the range of children 's understanding and use of language , and to develop their skills in it .
6 Local authorities were also required to provide books and stationery ; to provide facilities for recreation and physical training ; and to ascertain which children in their areas required special education , and provide special schools as necessary .
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