Example sentences of "and [vb base] a [noun] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In desperation I said to Noel Buttigieg-Scicluna , Secretary of the Maltese Nationalist Party , ‘ Noel , please go up and make a speech until we can find Eddie . ’
2 Perhaps I ought to ring Dawn and make an appointment if I want to talk to you ?
3 You put your spacesuit on , strap on a personal rocket pack , and attach a rope so you do n't go drifting off . ’
4 There 's also lots of built-in security — you need to point a credit card-style infra-red sender at the PC and press a button before it lets you enter your name and password ; only then does it load DOS .
5 The tourist will rent a small receiver for around £2 and press a button as he approaches any of the major buildings and monuments , where a small transmitter will then spout cultural , historical , artistic and commercial information at him in a choice of Italian , German , English or Spanish , at any hour of the day or night .
6 Even so , some manage to grab her teat and snatch a drink as she passes .
7 I 'll get rid of my man , and you stay up here and create a diversion if anyone appears before I 'm in the clear .
8 I was no expert , but I would know enough to make a preliminary diagnosis and summon an ambulance if I had to arrange for her to be taken into hospital .
9 Mary go and get a drink if you 're go carry on
10 And come and get an itinerary if you want one .
11 remember : you can only ask for water if you establish and maintain an overlap before you are two board lengths from the mark .
12 Social pressures also play a part — the reaction when you try and feed a baby when you 're out , for instance , can be demoralising .
13 Try just to get on with it , and ask a question if you get stuck ?
14 There seemed to be a great urgency to get married , to live in London and start a family because we were trying to be the same as everyone else .
15 But it was true , what Jim said , in business you ca n't stand still , you go up or you go down , you ca n't just sit comfortably in your own 1972 executive four-bedroomed plate-glass-windowed centrally heated wall-to-wall-carpeted gadget-equipped house , with your Rover and your wife 's Mini in the two-car garage , and your pot plants in your loggia , and your electric lawn mower in the shed : you ca n't sit still and enjoy it , you ca n't call it a day and call a halt when you own it all and do n't owe anyone a penny , you have to go on and on , relentlessly onwards , juggling with larger and larger sums , owing more , paying out more , until finally perhaps the whole thing comes tumbling round your head like a pack of cards .
16 Of course I ca n't repeat Gene 's formulae here , visit your library and take a look if you 're interested .
17 Of course I ca n't repeat Gene 's formulae here , visit your library and take a look if you 're interested .
18 You 've also got to be able to get comfy and take a breather when you can or you 'd never last a race .
19 Deaf people will think the film 's over and take a hike before I get to do my roof-top ending . ’
20 I could not stay at home and write a novel because I feel too tired and run down , and need a break from mental activity .
21 Come in and have a drink while we 're waiting ! ’
22 So er can people come along and have a go if they 've never had a go before ?
23 yeah , come round and have a look if you want to , come and stand up here close if you want
24 Passing Scalpay , Johnson suggested to Boswell that they buy the island , ‘ found a good school ’ on it , and an episcopal church , ‘ and have a printing-press where he would print all the Erse that could be found ’ .
25 It 's alright Peter used to live facing them at er Malton erm he was saying about the Charismatic how long their services go on , it 's about three hours , but he said you know they take their flasks or they just walk out and have a break if they want to and then go back in .
26 It can be , yeah we had a stop for lunch , we had to have cups of tea , we had to go to ou , out the back and have a fag cos we ca n't smoke in the office .
27 Europe ? well we could beat about the bush but there 's not a single rep on the road that ever gets out the office so got ta win it cos I actually saw I actually we I actually saw her go out and see a customer so she must she must be er
28 There is little to say about this except that if living alone is a new experience for you you will tend to buy too much at first and waste a lot unless you cook and freeze .
29 Well for most we try and work a Shorthorn for I think that the Shorthorn and the black bull is the true traditional cattle you know maybe and I do n't believe for one minute that the the cattle would be any better if you had a lot of Limousins or something else .
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