Example sentences of "and [vb past] [verb] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 The final example is perhaps an unexpected mathematical experience as there is no discussion of the tower itself but rather the child has been carried to the top of the high tower in his imagination and asked to look down at the people below .
2 As they passed Guido and Ronni 's table , just for an instant Guido turned and seemed to smile directly at the girl .
3 He covered seventy yards to gain the partial cover of the shrubbery , flung himself amongst the undergrowth , and turned to look back at the chateau .
4 Then it moved closer and began to scratch frantically at the foot of the bin .
5 She hung it up carefully on a big wooden coat hanger and began to brush hard at the dried mud .
6 She picked up one of the crumpled scraps of paper and began staring fixedly at the pictures on it .
7 At exactly that moment Nigel , at the other end of the room , jumped to his feet and started pointing excitedly at the blackboard and screaming , ‘ The chalk !
8 He strode into the hall and started to peer expertly at the walls and ceiling .
9 He found his sword and started to chop methodically at the doomed arms .
10 He pulled , and managed to bend forwards at the waist like an oarsman .
11 He cleared his throat once more and resumed staring up at the ceiling .
12 He almost missed the turning off the taxiway to the runway and had to brake hard at the last minute .
13 Matilda and Lavender shook their heads and continued to gaze up at the giant .
14 He turned and stood looking back at the house .
15 He strode over to the door and stood looking down at the handle , shaking his head sadly .
16 Turning up the collar of his Burberry against the chill morning air , he climbed up the slope to the rim of the hollow and stood looking down at the car .
17 Shutting the door softly behind her , Theda tiptoed to the bed and stood looking down at the still figure in some alarm .
18 ‘ Now , ’ she said and stood looking resolutely at the rest of the room , ‘ I will finish the theatre .
19 Instead , she went to the window and stood looking out at the vast starry sky .
20 By now they were in the square , and stood gazing up at the gilded splendour of the cathedral 's spire and turrets , bright in the low November sun .
21 Cley rose to his feet and stood gazing down at the councillor .
22 As soon as she took it he went over to the window and stood gazing out at the rain .
23 Leaving her abruptly , he moved to the desk and stood staring down at the papers lying on it , his attitude so tense that Lucy felt compelled to go to his side .
24 The Old Bailey was told he was ‘ desperately in love and wanted to get back at the woman ’ for ending their relationship .
25 I made a mug of decaf and sat looking round at the crumbling plaster ceiling , the curdled paintwork , the tatty carpet and the flophouse furnishings .
26 In this way , the mind is taught and instructed to look inwardly at the spiritual nature [ of things ] , towards the secret power that is hidden in everything and works in everything in an incomprehensible way .
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