Example sentences of "and [adv] it [is] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 still we want this , we want this , they 've made a request to have this done and it 's government funded and so it 's quite an interesting project really just to record things
2 But nevertheless that 's human nature and perhaps it 's also a reason why life should not stand still , whatever progress we make both in housing and in quality of housing and the quality of life , once people are used to that , to that they expect more and this is what progress , what forward thinking is all about .
3 ‘ It does n't matter , and anyway it 's just a short-term thing ; they will produce more jobs eventually .
4 Genuine , living devotion , Philothea , presupposes the love of God , and thus it is simply the true love of God .
5 Elsewhere — as in the Jura — corals are more important than rudists and usually it is only a reef limestone in the broadest Gallic sense of that term ; that is to say , a massive limestone without bedding planes and commonly recrystallised .
6 The problem sheets are so difficult now nobody can do them and they usually just wait until the answers come out every week and usually it 's just a case of copying them down .
7 So we 're quite excited about it and also it 's quite a major problem .
8 My technique is based on inhibition , the inhibition of undesirable , unwanted responses to stimuli , and hence it is primarily a technique for the development of the control of human reaction .
9 Culturally in Italy business advertisements are not placed and legally it is apparently a doubtful method of selling a company .
10 Anyways it kept sort of almost conventional and now it 's essentially A four .
11 Oh yeah there was lots of foreigners , Americans and foreign people there all with maps out on the tables , trying to find their way round York , which I knew that Stuart knew so it was n't too bad for us , but there 's loads of people , you know thought how do we get to this from here and well it 's certainly a a an experience .
12 The whole idea of judging by one hundred days was resurrected in the Kennedy time and people applied that to Wilson and to Heath and to Margaret Thatcher , and maybe it 's just a media hype , but I think it does give us some view and I think we need more of a view on this man , because a lot of people are saying will the real John Major please stand up .
13 It 's a time for few windows and we have many , and maybe it 's even a time for living in town or city with lights and movement and not just the dead nettles of the water meadow to gaze at .
14 And then it 's just a case of providing them with tapes and tape recorders and they will wander off an and do the tapes for us .
15 Ah so you start off start on Wednesday evening and then it 's usually a daily dose and Thursday you can restart your water tablets , once again one in the morning , okay .
16 And sometimes it 's just the person or the family would come and they would want I think they used to by these from the shop .
17 The triceps make up 60% of the upper arm while the biceps make up only 40% and yet it is still the case that most people tend to have overdeveloped biceps .
18 It was unaccounted for in The Future of an Illusion , and yet it is more a basic and fundamental source of religion than are illusory and delusory beliefs .
19 Erm , and yet it 's exactly the same thing .
20 How you attack those markets can be different in the sense that in er London the penetration of erm er mineral water into the target market is very high and therefore it 's already an accepted practice .
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