Example sentences of "and [adv] you can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She 's being impossible , absolutely unbearable , and only you can make her come out . ’
2 I am in fearful danger and only you can save me .
3 And now you can forget it again , ’ said Cadfael firmly .
4 And now you can ask I can sort of ask you questions on it like if he 's been travelling for let's say If he 's if he 's covered sixty miles how long has he been riding for ?
5 You can use your factor tree and then you can combine them in sets and say we 're gon na have two times five times three .
6 and then you can present yours .
7 I 'll tell you what write it down on paper and then you can copy it into your book when you know you 've got it right .
8 Now we 'll get the changing hand out of the way first because it 's easier that way and so what we do is to bring the rope hand towards the tiller hand and then you can tuck it under your thumb , pick up the tiller with the other hand now , that 's fine .
9 Why do n't we go and sit down for a few minutes and then you can decide what you want to do next ? ’
10 Okay and then you can move it round to line it , is that lined up okay ?
11 ‘ I 'll give it to you , shall I , and then you can pass it on to them ? ’
12 I 'll pass round the agenda , and then you can pass it round when we 've had a look , er County Link , just information from Notts County Council , erm who 'd like to see ?
13 Yeah , well in five minutes its all I 'm gon na put it , cushion under my head and then you can tape me snoring .
14 If you 've got the C D we could all , yes you do , we could all use it , then you could have blank tapes , and then you can tape it on cassette but I want a list of two C D's and I , in Argos if there 's a watch nan want 's the list and she want 's it this weekend .
15 ‘ Shall I get us some coffee and then you can make your statement ? ’
16 and you sort of fill up the battery , and then you can draw it off , but the battery itself is n't making electricity it 's just storing cells , like the little cells in that , the cells you get in your normal little batteries , and when they 've finished making it you chuck 'em away .
17 There you go then Simon 's gon na bring you some bread and then you can dip it up .
18 Sara began to explain , but after a few moments Jenny said impatiently , " Why do n't we walk down to Moorlake and then you can show me properly ? "
19 dad 's going to light them and then you can blow them
20 And then you can bring yourself a couple of pizzas in .
21 Meet Helen , see if you like her , and then you can think it over and give me your decision later .
22 They said , ‘ Look , go to university and then you can do what you like . ’
23 And then you can do it without Fred and , really , with Fred is , is at the end of day you could pro proof pay load could go back to yourself and I , I E and ourselves , but by having him that other cut you 're gon na be saying well it 's all a bit more than your share .
24 well shut the door first and then you can do it
25 Stash old plastic or paper shopping bags near the rubbish or garbage bin and then you can re-cycle them as bin liners .
26 And if you give me dad 's five pound well I can mark his off and then you can tell him then , I 'll leave your card here and you can say you 've paid and you owe me five pound .
27 ‘ You must go and then you can tell me of it afterwards .
28 tell me about taking bearings , what do you do , let's give you an example , of some bearings to take , erm , and then you can tell me what you 're doing , so there 's a point there , and we 'll call that erm , P , just to be awkward , now let's say what we 'll do , this is what we 'll d , this is a typical problem in fact , erm , I 'll even draw that line on for you to start with , yeah , here 's the problem , a ship is sailing due North , okay , and when it 's at the point of A it takes a bearing on the lighthouse , so the lighthouse is somewhere , do n't know where it is , but bearing of L from A is forty five degrees , and the bearing of L from B , which is when the ship has sailed on a lot further
29 I 'll tell you all about that afterwards , and then you can tell me if you do n't want to .
30 One part of Joe was telling him he had already gone off his head , but another section kept repeating , ‘ It 'll soon be over and then you can tell her .
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