Example sentences of "and [adv] he be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I heard him talking on the radio , in which he said he 'd tried several methods of winning on the football pools and in the end decided that the easiest thing to do was to put in the same numbers each week and so he was not exercising any skill in deciding whether one pair of teams were likely to enter into a score draw than another pair , but he just trusted that , say , number thirty seven would turn up as a score draw this week .
2 Tt and so he was then sent to er to er wo mi mop up this little skirmish in Korea .
3 And perhaps he was n't going to wait until morning before launching a search .
4 He was naked , and obviously he was not called the biggest chopper in the Brigade for nothing .
5 ‘ I must admit it does sound as if your father is enjoying a new lease of life and possibly he is even trying to recapture his youth .
6 But they went together down the narrow stone stairway , and still he was not jerked back again .
7 He has shown the character and hopefully he is back to stay . ’
8 Criticised for looking miserable all the time , but others say his seriousness is a pretence and really he 's just taking the mickey out of himself .
9 And now he 's nowhere earning
10 Oh , indeed so , erm our domestic life is extraordinarily complicated but when , after my maternity leave expired and when I 'd finished having time off and breast feeding the baby , he in fact looked after her for a term in Cambridge and I came back to Sussex and taught during the week and went back to my daughter and husband at weekends , and now he 's actually taking leave in his turn , if you like , so that he can be the back-up here while I teach and do my work this year .
11 Lee Clark has fought a patient battle to force his way into Keegan 's plans and now he is rapidly proving indispensable .
12 And now he was already moving off , as if he could n't wait to leave this place .
13 He had not gone into the house at all and now he was furiously driving off .
14 Of course he was then a half-trained recruit , and now he was fully acquainted with danger and better able to assess it ( or , perhaps , on the contrary , more apt to underrate it ) .
15 WHEN William Stukeley arrived in Stamford in 1729 to take up the living of All Saints ' Church , he was already a well-known physician and public figure , and today he is still remembered as one of the father figures of British archaeology .
16 Initially he whispered the line , but it was embarrassing to have to continually repeat himself after a series of ‘ pardons ’ and ‘ whats ? ’ and he soon discovered that if he spoke a line clearly and loudly he was n't noticed as much .
17 ‘ He likes to be adored of course , and maybe he 's just lobbying for an extension of his fan club , but I would n't have thought he was that desperate .
18 And he just sat I swear and then he 's just sitting there
19 And then he was seemingly swamped by women in period make-up and elegant costumes , some receiving an embrace on the lips from him , others obviously discontented when they received merely a light kiss on each cheek .
20 And then he was partly taken over by a piece he neither intended nor wanted to write and which preoccupied him obsessively , the dramatisation of the dispute , in the Yellow House in Arles , between Paul Gauguin and Vincent Van Gogh .
21 He only spoke once , and then he was merely voicing his thoughts aloud .
22 Brando said , ‘ Why , you sonofabitch , ’ and I said , ‘ Well , up yours too , pal , ’ and then he was suddenly giving me all of it , and I could do no wrong .
23 So Richard moved on to Limoges and there he was again proclaimed Duke in a ceremony witnessed by the Limousin chronicler Geoffrey-of Vigeois , who at that date was one of the monks of St Martial 's .
24 The intention was not to show the Alien at full length , if possible , and indeed he is scarcely seen more than fleetingly before the end , when he is ejected from the shuttle craft of the destroyed Nostromo by its last survivor , Ripley ( Sigourney Weaver ) .
25 He had never seen a credit card , and indeed he was not looking at one now .
26 In fact Dorothy tells us more about the sunset and the landscape than William — and yet he is traditionally thought of in association with such moments of natural grandeur .
27 And yet he was n't hurting her , she realised shakily .
28 Time after time he defended himself from Carter , time after time the screw intervened , again and again he was n't pushed to the floor .
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