Example sentences of "and [adv] [det] would [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't have the hand strength to play really fast things on them , and so that would have slowed me down anyway .
2 The price to urban consumers of bearing the losses incurred ( probably of the order of 2 per cent of their bills ) would have been considered by many to be an acceptable concession to the aspirations of country dwellers , and perhaps few would have endorsed the complaint by a contemporary free-market economist that ‘ a slum dweller has to contribute to the cost of providing electricity for a country mansion ’ .
3 But when you spend it when you 're spending your income you 're not accumulating your capital , so this person in five years time , although they 've had their income which may vary between seven and thirteen percent , their ten thousand is still ten thousand pounds , and obviously that would have devalued in real terms against inflation , which is the other problem .
4 Now , now it would 've been easier for you , the , the part that you missed out which would have brought all that in to play would have been how much do you want to pay , do you wan na pay a , a small amount over a long time or a big amount over a short time and then that would 've brought that into play .
5 Re-entry into the labour force after child-rearing was less usual for the older group than for the younger ( Martin and Roberts 1984 ) and therefore fewer would have had pensionable paid employment in the years before retirement .
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