Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 Maintenance research tends to be undramatic , unglamorous , and only missed when it is absent .
2 There are moments of natural awakening to one 's own beauty , but it is rare that it is really appreciated in the early years of womanhood ; usually it is taken for granted , and only lamented when it is gone .
3 The fate of the cells becomes , with time , more and more restricted until it is effectively fixed .
4 Israel is small and densely populated so it is extremely difficult to find a site for a nuclear plant .
5 The unfortunate reality is that Europe is heavily urbanized and densely populated and there is no prospect , short of disaster , of changing that in the foreseeable future .
6 We have a book full of expensive photographs to prove how loved and well cared for he is .
7 The farm worker still remains socially and geographically isolated but he is also becoming less bound by custom and habit .
8 Then her status as a functioning person is well and truly threatened and she is bereft of much beside the loss of her husband .
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