Example sentences of "and [adv] [conj] she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But it was n't large enough to button and showed her blouse and skirt , and so when she appeared in the yard again Ben , standing ready by the cart , grinned at her , saying , ‘ That 's nice !
2 She gave him a rather languid finger wave and just as she disappeared under the wing float , he then realised she was only wearing a black sporran .
3 Rosie had bitten him twice in the past ; once when she managed to free herself by chewing through her tethering-rope , and once when she leaped through the window of Buddie 's jeep and chased him into the pig-yard .
4 A majority of his sample reported that the wife typically performed a distinct range of domestic and child-rearing tasks considerably more often than the husband , and also that she deferred to the husband in more important areas of decision-making .
5 She had begged Aurangzeb not to spare Dara , and now that she heard of his end she threw a great party in the Imperial harem .
6 Otherwise , and particularly if she lived in Edinburgh , she could answer one of the advertisements for a housemaid ; or she might , increasingly as the century wore on , try for a coveted job as shop assistant ; she might enter one of the monotonous and repetitive unskilled industrial jobs in say paper-bag making ; or use her school training in needlework to become a dressmaker .
7 She tried frantically to struggle , but his strength was far greater than hers , and even as she pushed against him she was overwhelmed by a far more desperate need to hold him , to feel his strong body pressed against hers once more .
8 No one was within earshot , they were miles from anywhere , it seemed , and even if she jumped in the river and swam for it the chance that she would outmanoeuvre him in the water was slim .
9 It was for Signora Kettering and her English upbringing told her that it was unthinkable to open letters addressed to someone else ; and yet as she came down the stairs and met the driver she had been taken , as she felt sure she was meant to be taken , for Signora Kettering .
10 That first night , after the shock had begun to abate , the vision of Benedict 's snarling features , the sound of molten rage in his voice , had come back to her again and again as she lay in her narrow cot bed , and she had wept .
11 It was worth more than £1 to her to see the child 's face ; and again as she watched from beyond the crowd — for she waited a little once she got free of the press .
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