Example sentences of "and [adv] [conj] [pron] [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 After two years , he was judged to have learnt sufficient skills , and was apprenticed to a Plymouth shoe maker who treated him so harshly and badly that he was re-admitted to the workhouse where he stayed until he was 19 years old .
2 Er , once they were able to leave the home and so that everyone was looked after , they never left our care really and
3 From the first time she was asked to canter a figure-of-eight she knew that one always cantered a figure-of-eight ; and so when she was asked to trot one instead , she became increasingly anxious , excited , irrational , and disobedient .
4 And so and we were bringing in deals and they were phoning the clients back and saying , Look yeah great alarm systems blah blah we have an alternative one cheaper .
5 yes , oh yes , and erm , going back to somebody asked me earlier , erm , about how it , I feel I have to be able to write about , just about anything , erm , and so if I was given commission to write about any one thing I would have to put myself in a position to , to be able to do it .
6 And so if you were to use that at night and then put a bit of lavender on it is really nice .
7 Was not the harm already between us , before we had loved and before we lost , and perhaps before we were born ?
8 Erm , and perhaps because he was becoming too friendly with Josephine , he was sent to Spain by Bonaparte , but then he fell out with Bonaparte , and Bonaparte fell out with him , and he was put under surveillance by the erm , the President , and erm , it makes you wonder what really went wrong .
9 Sunk fathoms deep in thought once more , Luce took no heed of her surroundings , and only when they were pulling in to a private landing-stage overhung by green willows did she surface and realise the significance of the overnight bag .
10 The bodies lay north and south , heads to the north and all except one were buried face downwards , the skulls being in good condition but the bones decayed .
11 This did not seem a propitious moment for launching into an explanation of the possible repercussions of their lovemaking — and especially when she was having difficulty thinking .
12 But when the word reached him , and especially when it was seen that Lord Grey himself was with the party , thereafter I can not be sure .
13 And I remember hearing a story , er erm it was just they 'd got an old farmer he had a field of hay , just ready to cart and just as they were getting the horses , it came down to rain and they were all sheltering in the barn , and the said , More rain , more rest .
14 So they got him settled in the bottom of the boat and just as they were putting this tarpaulin over him , and getting ready to set off , the one man He heard the one man saying to the other , he says , Right , forty miles a wee stroke of the oars .
15 So this is , what got me a bit suspicious right , well I speaking to her and all and I said , well you know , this is it and , you know she said she knows George is , is meant to be coming up and I said look and I says and I 'm gon na go down onto the floor here , and just as I was to go onto the floor there was a phone call right , and it was Alice .
16 I turned off to the right through the row of trees , and just as I was meandering past thy rhododendrons I shouted , ‘ Hell and damnation ! ’
17 ‘ He still is , the young idiot , and just as he was getting on his feet .
18 In a fit of temper he shot up past the runner , and just as he was reaching for a ledge above , the turf he was standing on performed its Velcro imitation and propelled the stunned climber into the air .
19 And just as you was coming out of it , going to paint the cottage and all , the bastard comes back !
20 And just as she was feeling sure and secure , a smile becoming a real part of her as she gloried in the feeling growing between them , Lucy gave her to understand that she was going away for three weeks .
21 That was in 1988 and soon after he was given the task of running the show .
22 I woke to manoeuvre a rock under the groundsheet , then to put cream on my burning ears , later to pull my knees up to my chin to get warm , then to eat some dates , and finally when I was called out by diarrhoea .
23 How did you tell a man who had just expressed his undying love for you and his need to remain in your arms for ever and ever that he was separated from you by a distance of fifty years , and that only by some perverse and cruel trick of time had you been allowed to meet at all ?
24 I went often , partly because I enjoyed dancing and partly because we were offered the most delicious cakes , of a sort that was almost impossible to obtain except on the black market .
25 I did it partly for aesthetic reasons ; partly to economize on the number of genes necessary ( if genes did n't exert mirror-image effects on the two sides of the tree , we 'd need separate genes for the left and the right sides ) ; and partly because I was hoping to evolve animal-like shapes , and most animal bodies are pretty symmetrical .
26 The voice on the telephone seemed to be sharp and peremptory , but I did n't hear too well what it said — partly because I was only half awake and partly because I was holding the receiver upside down .
27 For the moment , however , he allowed the affair to subside , partly because Spain herself appeared to be on the verge of civil war , and as a consequence even less attractive to any possible monarch , and partly because he was awaiting developments in France where the regime appeared to be entering a moment of crisis .
28 She was highly critical , however , of the terms under which the League of Nations was set up in 1919 , partly because the League was permitted the use of force and economic sanctions , and partly because it was committed to supporting the Versailles settlement , which she regarded from the start as an unjust and unstable peace .
29 We passed Cap Bon ( in the distance ) and Pantelleria , the latter at sea level — which was just as well as it was raining at the time , otherwise we might have missed it and also because we were told afterwards that there was an airfield there with Bf110s .
30 And before that it was known as .
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