Example sentences of "and [adv] [conj] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He drove grimly and skilfully and he drove very fast as if he could not wait to get her on the plane to England and out of his sight .
2 There is an inherent danger in all this for our clothing industry which is that , unless manufacturers wake up , there will continue to be far more opportunity for European merchandise to come here , and little for ours to get elsewhere .
3 Erm the process check list erm again they 've identified the people on each erm and within that they 've actually nominated people to look at the land ownership which is the , on the ignored with their rider on the previous sheet .
4 In this chapter I shall give reasons for rejecting this approach , or if not for rejecting it then for supposing that the questions it raises can never be answered and so that it leads directly to scepticism .
5 I get everything answered and so and so and you learn quite a lot and I just ask .
6 And so if you sit just a little bit further forward , that 's fine .
7 Note that unc when an only when A contains at least one element which is not in B. We says sets A and B are equal , and write A = B , when and only when they contain precisely the same members .
8 How long she had been there , we could not be sure , for if she sat with head and tail aligned along the wall , she was invisible from below , and only when she turned sideways did she come into view .
9 He was a very easy person to talk to , and long before they reached home she felt as if she had known him for years .
10 And naturally when he gets there he can say nothing .
11 He was swearing steadily and obscenely as he did so , realising that the windscreen damage inflicted by the near miss would make it well-nigh impossible for him to engage in a high speed chase now .
12 You put your guitar down for a second , and just as you turn away there 's a horrible discordant ker-draanngg ! , accompanied , if you 're unlucky , by the even more expensive noise of your headstock suddenly leaving the band to embark on a solo career .
13 And soon as he said righto Jack , take the rugs off , I 'd take or the , little lad helps me as well , you know and he takes the rugs off and then I tell them what to do you see .
14 I 'm not very good at listening to God , but between one and three am God spoke to me so powerfully and painfully that I have never felt so broken before him ( and still do ) .
15 At 30 , he asked a rabbi to teach him Hebrew , and ever since he has daily read a passage of Torah or the prophets — a habit which is telling of his aesthetic and moral constitution .
16 Maggie had never bothered to resist their reasoning , and she folded her clothes partly from the natural instinct of obedience , and partly because she had never been entirely sure that these external appendages did indeed belong to her , Maggie Petherington , or if perhaps they were loans from the mysterious outer world ; loans that would doubtless be called in some day .
17 Academically the traits approach has been very largely discredited , partly because of its lack of precision and partly because it has demonstrably not worked in identifying the most effective leaders , yet it is still the most commonly used approach .
18 The exception was clothing , which bucked the trend of the rest of the UK textile industry partly because it supplies Marks & Spencer , and partly because it makes very little in the UK .
19 The graphs show that the feedforward net 's output was less close to the ( new ) ideal output , and also that it varied quite a lot .
20 The latter are especially interesting since they constitute the outer ring of the EEC and also because they have considerably higher standards of living than do the EEC Member States .
21 However , it retreated from this position , partly because it feared strong adverse reaction particularly from its political Right , and also because it had seriously underestimated the number of Arabs in Gaza , at 100,000–150,000 when it was nearer 280,000 .
22 For the purposes of establishing an adequate correspondence between the UK model and the EEC model , and also because it seems increasingly important in its own right , the Group is considering when and how best to build a broad sectoral disaggregation into the UK model .
23 Although you will have to speak a little more slowly and clearly than you do normally , you should nevertheless make it sound as natural as you can .
24 He gave the traditional religious answer to the riddle , but he articulated it more clearly and convincingly than anybody had before .
25 There had always been a feeling of pre-destination with Richard and now that they had both suffered so much it seemed stronger than ever .
26 What she did not know was that Moran , with his good looks and military fame , had once been king of these barn dances and now that he had neither youth nor fame would not take a lesser place .
27 And now that I looked again at Mr White Face , I saw that beneath his paint his face had some of the configurations of a rat , with sharp little jaws and pointed nose , not at all like the inhabitants of Sarawak , a blunt-faced company , with which I was acquainted .
28 It was something that she would never have thought possible and now that it had actually happened , now that she knew she was n't dreaming , she wanted it to last .
29 The rules are most useful on formal occasions like weddings , and particularly when they happen only once in a lifetime .
30 The meanings of this and that , and here and there have also to be found either formally in another part of the discourse or contextually from the world .
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