Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She just knew she had to see the woman who held Timothy 's heart and perhaps persuade her to set him free .
2 The good lady thought that he was shy , and constantly twitted him to bring him into the talk ; Paul hoped that she would get over it as the days passed , and this proved to be the case .
3 I read it in one twenty-minute sitting , howled like a baby for ten more minutes , then phoned the producer and practically begged her to give me the job .
4 Mr Middleton came from behind and repeatedly whipped it to get it over the gate .
5 Far from being taken back , they were delighted by our sudden arrival , and unhesitatingly encouraged us to join them in the water .
6 The the point Peter er is making is do n't make it out to us because if you if you give me a cheque to Worsley I 've got to go to Peter 's house and and then get him to give me a cheque and then I 've got to go to either Kerry or Bob and get them
7 The next time a wine waiter pours a thimbleful of ‘ 67 Brainfuddler into a glass for my opinion , I shall simply ask him if it works , and then tell him to splash it around .
8 Betty 's technique was to set all her pupils the same task and then to teach them to accomplish it .
9 Explain that no one is to see what they have written on the paper and then ask them to pin it on the back of the next guest to arrive .
10 A GANG of five teenagers stole a 20-year-old woman 's cash card and then tortured her to give them the pin number .
11 Well , Joan and Sheila there 've been taking cobwebs down and things like that you know and then paying her to do it .
12 She stood in the portico of his chamber and gravely allowed him to admire her .
13 She apologized for slowing him down and twice advised him to leave her .
14 He drove the plane back into the circuit and again forced them to let him through .
15 ‘ I suppose that you will be gracious enough first to tell me how you arrived here , and secondly to allow me to take you home before you end up in another alley .
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