Example sentences of "and [pers pn] went [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was the last day of shooting and they did n't need us till nine o'clock that morning , so Keenan [ Wynn ] and me went over to the bar and had a couple there and I said , ‘ You know , Keenan , it 's gon na be a long hot day so we 'd better stop off at the drug store and buy a jug . ’
2 Derek and me went along to the new wans Christening and he was like a tink !
3 and I went around with the current .
4 The bar was full , I could see that through the saloon window and I went round to the yard at the rear .
5 We played late on the first day and I went round in the morning spotting the pin positions , trying to get a feel for the course so I could give the right information to Nick .
6 The sleeping-car attendant sighed deeply at so much opulent femininity and philosophically returned to his roomette , and I went on up the train into the next car , where my own bed lay .
7 My wife and I went up to the pay booth .
8 He retired to his basket in a huff and I went off to the supermarket in a quandary .
9 I pushed hard and I picked up some places , but then in the bad conditions Lehto caught me and I went off into the wet and that was it . ’
10 Eventually the dinner broke up and Claud , Roger Hollis and I went off for a pub-crawl which after sundry indecorous adventures ended up at the Hypocrites where another blind was going on .
11 Leaving Joy to help Miss Prescott with what are called the last offices ( Joy is also a trained nurse ) , Alan and I went back to the house and between us brought the coffin down from the loft .
12 I told the co-pilot to take over and I went back to the radio room and saw Charlie with blood all over his head and the front of his flight suit ’ .
13 It was now early July , and I went back to the Usk to film the silver-grey mink .
14 He hung up and I went back to the salon .
15 Mm , I thought I 'd get it , I really did think I 'd get it and I went down with a bump when I did n't
16 Having agreed that this was a good idea , David and I went down to a pub called The Three Tuns , which is in Beckenham High Street .
17 And there was a lot of space between the hut and the door and the wind took me and flung me right up against the tank and I went down to the ground and crawled on me hands and knees .
18 there and I went down to the at and he said we got your lintel in mate , do you want to take it ?
19 So and I went down in the pool this morning
20 Andy and I went down by the river and the loch , clambering up the rocks upstream then back down , watching fish jump lazily out on the calm loch , or strike at the insects speckling those flat waters , jaws snapping underneath ; dispatching , swallowing , leaving ripples .
21 One Sunday Joe and I went out on the marshes , as usual , to study together .
22 Amy and I went out for the day .
23 A call of nature interrupted my pleasure and I went out to the necessary house behind the tavern , nothing more than a hole in the ground enclosed by a shabby wooden palisade and a door which bolted from the inside .
24 Then one day I had to go to the Post Office for something — one of them forms I daresay — so I thought I better wrap up , I better take care , you 're very vulnerable after a long illness you know , and I put my old long mack on and one of the kids ' mack hats and Wellingtons and I went out in the rain , feeling , in a depressed sort of way , ‘ Well , if I get ill again , what can I do ?
25 Something hit me on the back of the head , here , and I went out like a light .
26 Being already in the City I was n't far from the divisional H.Q. , and I went along in the hope of finding Redpath there .
27 ‘ Things are obviously becoming very busy and I went in over the weekend to do a bit of work .
28 ‘ I had a cartilage operation three and a half years ago , and I went in for a tackle just before Christmas and damaged it again .
29 But then I thought , ‘ I 'll show him , ’ and I went in for the Pub Entertainer of the Year contest .
30 You know you went in and you went out with the reps and
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