Example sentences of "and [pers pn] might as well [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Well I just thought I 'd go over now and I might as well go down the shop when
2 because she might as well have some A levels just in case or whatever , but erm you know I , you know she 's , you know , I can understand that actually , she 's being quiet sensible about it she said there 's nothing else I want to do and I might as well do something that I enjoy , you know , you 've only got one life have n't you when it comes down to it ?
3 But erm you know , ah you know , she 's , you know I can understand that actually , she 's being quite sensible about it , she said , there 's nothing else I wan na do and I might as well do something I enjoy .
4 I 'm not long for this world and I might as well enjoy what time is left to me .
5 I 've got Marc Bolan who wants to record day and night and is keen to go , and I might as well put my energies into him because you really do n't want to work very hard . ’
6 Before turning to these questions , though , I 'd like to get some reactions to the current situation , and I might as well put my first question to Jossom .
7 The service is something special and I might as well spend my money that way as any other .
8 " And you might as well know that it was Paul who shot the fawn last night too , not me . "
9 He must have left you something and you might as well know what . ’
10 You take and their equivalents away from my people we 're redundant and you might as well take it all over Britain .
11 It was clear he had more to say and she might as well get it over with in one go .
12 At this rate she was n't likely even to scrape the surface , and she might as well accept that .
13 And we might as well ask pigs to fly . ’
14 The analogue armoury on here is fearsome , and doubtless his dad has got a huge record collection so he 'll be churning them out for ages yet and we might as well get used to it .
15 Come on , it 's January , the month of optimism , and we might as well let ourselves think so .
16 If he is in there , then he is in there , and they might as well bring each other what comfort they can .
17 Chairman , I 've listened with erm interest to Professor erm weasel words explaining that he did n't mean what he 's been saying for the past three years and trying to explain away what he 's effectively and he might as well admit it a complete volte face worse than that his agreement to an arrangement which he knows is second best .
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