Example sentences of "and [pers pn] could not [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 We had the opportunity to make a fundamental change , and I could not believe that we would allow that opportunity to slip away .
2 So here ended my first tour and I could not claim that I ever actually had a clear view of any German target , save that which we did locate with the aid of Jimmy Marks ' experiment northeast of Rotterdam in mid-June 1940 .
3 Last night 's lovemaking had changed everything for Sarella herself ; she had never guessed it could be like that , and she could n't imagine that it might not have been as earth-shattering for Marc too .
4 She stood staring down at the fresh earth of the new grave , at the wooden cross bearing her mother 's name and she could not believe that this nightmare was real .
5 And she could not believe that he would marry Honoria Greville , might even throw her off if he knew what she had done , which was to lose him his heiress .
6 Like when we opened opened a ninety Z up and we could n't open that face up , it was hell .
7 But the man at the front had n't been told this of course , naturally enough and he could n't see that so suddenly with a jolt the wardrobe left him , two steps ' worth instead of one at a time .
8 And another boys name was Thomas and he could n't write that cos all last year he 'd been Tom an he 'd forgotten how to write his surname they 're not dim children both of them
9 Since , the " Commando " had a clear warning that the contents should not be used after a certain time , this was deemed to put the plaintiff on notice not to use the herbicide and he could not complain that his own misunderstanding of the consequences of ignoring the warning had rendered the herbicide unfit for the purpose which it was supplied .
10 Engels ( 1874 ) , in an essay on authority directed against the anarchists , commented upon violent political revolutions that ‘ a revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is ’ , but he did not go on to consider whether the authoritarianism of an armed revolutionary struggle might not subsequently become firmly entrenched in the practices of a post-revolutionary government ; and he could not foresee that the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ( a phrase which he and Marx occasionally used in order to refer to the political dominance of the working class , conceived as the vast majority of the population , in the initial phase of socialist society ) would be transformed into a plain dictatorship and a reign of terror , turned against the people themselves .
11 She would never mock it , he was certain of that , and he could not believe that she would be shocked , because she was far too experienced and sensible to waste energy on such a useless emotion ; but it would probably distress her , and she had enough distress to absorb without his adding to it .
12 In that case it is all one operation , and it could not matter that he wrote his signature on the document before the dispositive wording of the will .
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