Example sentences of "and [pers pn] said to i [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So Angela did n't want to get involved — she did n't need the capital , after all — and she said to me she might do it in a year or so when Miss Huntley had calmed down . ’
2 And she said , she said to her mother last week she went up to see her and she said to me she said , out of the blue it come she said
3 And she said to me she said , Mrs she said , I like to hear to talk because she said you do n't put no airs on .
4 Julia did n't care a sod about that kid , she 'd let her to scream on , stand in the middle of the garden screaming , indoors screaming and she said to me I have no feelings for her whatsoever but she took the bloody money every week and this is what 's so wrong , nobody knows how she er was as that child , only people like us who would hear
5 When I was in seeing the the banker , and he said to me he said , have you , have you a will made ?
6 Has that come up in your er in your well we were coming back there one night from my aunt 's and er there were quite a lot of policemen about and I was only a little boy , it was before the First World War and my father said to one of these policemen , what 's happening so , oh we had a tip-off he says that er there 's these Whirly Gang folks and in the morning we saw somebody 'd been maimed or killed , but er that was another bit of interesting news around , and I remember down in Caldmore one day there used to be some ladies who used to come from , well they used to be , one of them used to call them the salt ladies , they used to come with blocks of salt on a , on a I think they used to come from and I saw a horse there as a kid and I , it had got a long gash right across its body and I said to this lady I said , what 's happened to this , she said oh the Whirly Gang and er I was in Paris in nineteen twenty two and er we got to this hotel and there was another Englishman on this trip and he said to me he said where do you come from ?
7 So anyway , after fucking weeks and weeks and weeks I had come out to me one day , and Mr came out and he said to me he had a wee bucket and shovels and he says er bring me down to the first floor so I opened to let him out and he gets out and he says to me , now take her half way between the first and second floor and stop her .
8 a lovely course for re reflexology and one day , I went to Shambrook College and he said to me you 've got , you 've got a great feeling with your hands he said , you , you , you 'd make a good reflexology , but the courses were in Luton
9 And he said to me you better ring for the fire engine cos it 's .
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