Example sentences of "and [pers pn] can see the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So if you can get the balance and you can get all four also what 's interesting as well is if you 've got a very low score at something , it may be they think well perhaps I need to develop that , if I do n't apparently learn a lot from getting and having a go , perhaps I 'd actually learn more if I can develop that more enjoyment from that and I can see the benefit from it .
2 And I can see the problem about going to the police .
3 Ed , I think argued a very strong case for a greater level of influence of trade unionists in the Party than is suggested in this reform and I can see the force of those remarks but the C E C adopted the position that we did not want to take a position of dominance to the Party Conference .
4 ‘ It would be nice if only ’ is her replacement of the term , and I can see the point in that .
5 Anyway the next day Brocklesby is berthing and I can see the captain pointing at me , my hem was showing my petticoat was showing my hat off and afterwards I said to him erm what was so funny oh he said I was telling the Queen about you having those weeds for the rehearsal yesterday and she thought it was terribly funny
6 And this was a wonderful old grocery shop , er plain wooden floors you know , no tiles or anything like that , just the wood floors and I can see the barrels of apples and the barrels of this and then the oranges and the all the groceries and the bags of flour and the bags of sugar and and the and the grocer weighing the sugar up and all this sort of thing .
7 I run into the arms of Andy 's parents walking with the dogs near the ornamental ponds and it seems like an age before I can tell them what 's happened because my voice wo n't work and I can see the fear in their eyes and they 're asking , ‘ Where is Andrew ?
8 Emo 's bug eyes narrow , and for a moment , just for a moment , the mock-innocence vanishes , and you can see the craft behind the wise-cracks .
9 And you can see the colour .
10 Er the finishing end of the assembly track , and you can see the engine is almost in a completed state .
11 You 're the only one in the room and you can see the doctors through a glass .
12 The stonework of the parapet walls has deteriorated and you can see the river through the joints .
13 Billy Joel and er the River of Dreams it 's Radio Nottingham six minutes to one o'clock now Kids ' County for today these have been the clues , It 's cheap it 's quite big and you can see a pub and you can see the Victoria Baths .
14 We walked there , it was quite a walk down to the water and you can see the depth of the
15 Of all the people of all the land owners there , of all those who had fields , or bits of a field to harvest , God directs Ruth to Boaz and you can see the abundance of the blessing there .
16 Read Ubu , and you can see the connections with Samuel Beckett 's Waiting for Godot , and Ionesco 's The Chairs and The Bald Prima Donna .
17 and you can see the crossing out there .
18 There 's the tennis courts and you can see the beginning of , and the beaches round the corner .
19 All right I 'll put y Oh by the way the tickets have gone those tickets have gone but you can get them on the door at the Mapley Plain Social Club this Wednesday in Nottingham and you can see the Ivy League Alf , Berry and Heather Nixon , Night Ride organist and drummer and the compere Peter Lawrie six quid the tickets are admission at eight o'clock this Wednesday an all star show at the Mapley Plain Social Club in Nottingham .
20 And I 've seen him standing ope in front of the open fire with his back to the fire going like that and you can see the heat shimmer stuff coming off and you know it 's the L P G.
21 I look back now and think we are actually still doing that , not in the military aspect , in civvy street , we 've got people , real nice people , you talk to them on the street and you get them at the kill and the hackles go up , you can see the adrenalin pumping round their body , you can see the kind of excitement in their eyes and you can see the terrier men grabbing by the the scruff of the neck , bleeding and then throwing .
22 And you can see the track layout .
23 And then add MIDI to that and you can see the difference . ’
24 you get a very good sketch and you can see what 's going on and you can see the angles .
25 and you can see the highlights of the Blenheim Horse Trials on Channel Four on Saturday September the twenty sixth … the next big sunday event for horse fans around here will be in November when Cheltenham races stage the first ever sunday jump meeting … they 've been unveiling their plans today … here 's Mark Kiff
26 The Jet project is formally er continuing until the end of 1992 but in recent months we 've had some very great successes in Jet , the work we 've done is of very high quality and , and certainly world leading , and we can see the way ahead to building an experimental reactor after Jet but there are some very important experiments that need to be done before then .
27 nineteen eighty five and we can see the picture of it , or a drawing of it on page seventy , I have n't looked to see how many apartments there is
28 The Labour party conference has three times voted to cut £6 billion from the defence budget , and we can see the extent to which that would devastate the defence industry and the defence of this country .
29 We sit up here and we watch a game like that and we can see the game probably just drifting away from United a little bit ; you can feel that things are changing out there .
30 And we can see the rates for which the deduction is going to be applied the other side .
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