Example sentences of "and [pers pn] have [adv] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And I 'd no been to bloody .
2 ‘ But I do n't go abroad on holiday — and I 've never been to the Caribbean , ’ she wailed helplessly as he added yet another gorgeous outfit to the huge pile he 'd already chosen .
3 It 's pretty boring here and I 've only been at Auntie Jane 's just over a day .
4 ‘ My parents and I had n't been on good terms for some time .
5 ( Oh , yes , Benjamin and I had also been to university but , due to minor misunderstandings , had both been asked to leave before we received our degrees .
6 when I was sixteen because it 's then I started to get these free passes and I had a sister then who lived at Rye and I had never been across London so the next door neighbour came with me to see me across London er because I was so young you see and I said right as long as you show me across London I can come back alone , you see , and so I came back alone and I , that 's when I started , so from sixteen and er and as I say I went to Cambridge in the nineteen thirty one , it was the last day of well say nineteen thirty two , you see , and , and also in the twenties I was going on holiday alone and I went to once er to the Isle of Man and when I was er I , I sat next , well being by myself , you see , they put me in , to a little table near the wall .
7 Mark and I have just been for a walk beyond Dalseattie , which was nice until the mist came down and began to make us rather damp .
8 And I have never been to Ireland .
9 She chose you , and she can as well abandon you if she chooses , and you had better be on your guard in future , for she wo n't put up with another such turmoil upsetting her established rule .
10 I 've probably been out playing and you 've probably been at the shops .
11 Kathy made two cups of tea and said firmly , ‘ You are n't yourself , Clare , and you have n't been for months . ’
12 ‘ I have some shopping to do and you have not been to the town at all .
13 And she 'd already been with me for several years before we met , so you felt that perhaps she knew me better than you did , and you hated that . ’
14 Still , it sounded like a fascinating challenge , and she 'd never been to Sheffield before , so it would give her an opportunity to see another little bit of the world .
15 But she brought them because it salved her conscience to bring something , and she had not been for two weeks now .
16 ‘ When ? ’ she questioned , feeling her palms already starting to itch — and she had n't been in his company five minutes yet !
17 In fact , they had already become good friends when she had played Mrs Murray in Eh ? with him at Circle-In-The-Square , and she had also been in The Tiger Makes Out .
18 She was twenty-five and she had never been in the tube .
19 And she had never been in the London Underground .
20 Finding a lone man amid open ocean is doubtful at the best of times , and we had just been through the densest fog bank either one of us had ever experienced .
21 We 've been to Lords and we 've also been to Wembley , we 've been to Twickenham and we 've also been to Wimbledon .
22 We 've been to Lords and we 've also been to Wembley , we 've been to Twickenham and we 've also been to Wimbledon .
23 And we 've also been over the fact that I ca n't accept conditions .
24 I 'm sorry but I just ca n't support this view , what about pride , team confidence ( just imagine what this victory would do to that — considering , correct me if I 'm wrong , but the 3 sides we have beaten away from home are shit , and we have also been on a crap run recently ) , and not to mention a place in Europe — this is a 2nd place 6 pointer .
25 That were in the freezer and they 'd obviously been in there for a bit too long .
26 Most of you wo n't remember the time , and I certainly do n't , some of you will , you 'll be familiar with the er , healing accounts , seeing pictures on , er either in magazines or on the television news , in in old news reels , of that time when Neville Chamberlain stepped out of an aeroplane , and he 's just been to Germany and , and had a meeting with Hitler .
27 And he 's always been like that .
28 you know what I mean , but the fact that I have been helping him has already conflicted and he has n't been in school a week , you know , and then eventually when they get those books out and he 'll say oh I know that one , that says Luke
29 Relations between Egypt and Libya have been erratic since Colonel Gaddafi seized power 20 years ago , and he has not been to Egypt since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war .
30 And he has never been to England before . ’
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