Example sentences of "and [det] can be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Systems which reward nurses individually can actually increase competition in what is essentially a cooperative work environment and that can be damaging to efficiency .
2 All that matters is to educate the local predators , and that can be done with different colours in different places .
3 We need to attract and retain members and that can be done with information which is very powerful .
4 It will be possible to divert the A forty traffic away from the Green Road Roundabout along the M forty extension out to Wendlebury and then back down the new dual carriageway A forty three to rejoin the A forty near to Pear Tree , and that can be done from January ninety ninety one without waiting another seven or eight years for a Barton by-pass .
5 Needs to be softer , needs to be softer and that can be done by using a a diffuser over the light , using an umbrella , any way that you can soften , like using a reflector , all kinds of things to do .
6 This for Lévi-Strauss is tied up with the business of ‘ science ’ , which aims to discover truths that are universal and that can be seen to be a product of their method .
7 I say again that in Northern Ireland the Housing Executive has spent a great deal more per capita than is the case elsewhere and that can be seen by anyone who visits public sector housing in Northern Ireland .
8 It 's very thick on the outside but almost , you can almost see through some of the bone in the base there and that can be caused by as , a blow on the head if it 's the bolt of the erm brain that 's caused , got the injury , or from the base of skull is usually caused by er landing on your feet from heights , and
9 I make a plea for the Government to consider a matter of urgency , either through independent research or their own officers , finding a long-term method of achieving a much more comprehensible system that is easy to use and that can be understood by ordinary people .
10 Now , the , there , it appears that there 's a whole variety of phenomena er which suggests that sentence divides up in this way and that can be explained on hypothesis we just call such a division a constituent , and then we stipulate that , as certain operations can only apply to constituents .
11 Lyons ( 1977a : 669 ) inclines to a view that , since place-deictic terms like this and that can be used in a temporal sense ( especially to refer to proximal and distal parts of an unfolding discourse ) , place deixis is more fundamental than time deixis .
12 Furniture requires finishes that can be made perfectly smooth to the touch and that can be brought to a mirror-like gloss , if required .
13 What is more , there is a great deal of empirical evidence ( amassed over many years ) suggesting that human perception is the result of a non-introspectible process of construction , a process that takes a measurable amount of time and that can be interfered with in specific ways .
14 But it is of great interest , because it demonstrates a familiar mode of argumentation that has been more widely used in historical descriptions and that can be found in many places , and I shall comment on a similar case in ME below .
15 They are available from about £320 and some can be fitted with decor panels to match the rest of your kitchen .
16 There are several Cepheids well within binocular range , and some can be followed throughout their variations with the naked eye : Eta Aquilæ , Zeta Geminorum and Beta Doradûs , for example .
17 If what has been hypothesised so far is true , much of the variation in linguistic interactions which is not explicable in terms of grammatical or phonological conditioning can be accounted for by changes of footing , involving a switch from one ( linguistic ) persona to another ; some can be accounted for by the speaker 's failure to identify perfectly the speech patterns of the prototypes of the personas which s/he seeks to animate at a particular time ; and some can be accounted for by the speaker 's imperfect ability to reproduce those speech patterns which s/he has identified .
18 FIL file creation time , and some can be changed with immediate effect by stopping the process , editing the parameter and restarting the process .
19 WATER TANKS AND PIPES Insulating water tanks is the next job and this can be done with special padded material , secured in place by wire , or with special ready-made padded jackets , or , if you have a standard-sized water tank , with special pre-cut packs of sheet insulation that are placed around the tank and secured with tape or wire .
20 Ideally , the diagnosis should be confirmed before treatment , and this can be done with capillary blood glucose test sticks .
21 Far better to make sure that the inferences are correct , and this can be done by ensuring that the observer and the observed are thinking together , not in opposition .
22 There are also times when we need to ensure that we understand what is being said , and this can be done by asking simple questions or making comments which help elucidate or develop what the counsellee is saying , such as , ‘ So you think that … ’ , or ‘ You mean that … ‘ , or even ‘ I 'm not sure that I follow what you mean …
23 In order to disaggregate clusters of inside cells of ICMs it is necessary to decompact the aggregates first and this can be done by a 20-min incubation in warm Ca2+-depleted M2 + BSA or M2 + BSA containing 0.5 μg/ml CCD .
24 The secret is to arrange the stripes so that they do not appear to be in regular order and this can be done in a number of ways .
25 Secondary encopresis Children 's bowel control may have relapsed in response to a stressful event like the birth of a baby , a traumatic separation or loss , and this can be seen as a regression to an earlier level of emotional development .
26 The concept of exchange has often been used to describe support in families , and this can be seen as expression of mutual self-interest .
27 The existence of the Commissioner has clearly had an impact on the protection of rights of trade union members , and this can be seen upon examination of the figures produced by the Commissioner which analyse her work .
28 It has assumed " the system as before " , but with trimmings , and this can be seen in the very use of the phrase " audio-visual aids " , a term which presupposes a type of use , as an adjunct , an added extra , a novel way of doing the same thing .
29 Moreover , the lunar seismic signals were of a very different nature from those seen in the Earth , and this can be explained by the prevalence of a fragmented medium in the outer regions of the Moon .
30 Osbern records the presence of royal housecarls to prevent interference by the Londoners , and this can be fitted into a credible historical context of popular hostility to the Danes in the city , arising from the fighting and sieges of Æthelred 's time , the heavy taxation of 1018 , and the probability that Cnut found it prudent to maintain a garrison there .
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