Example sentences of "and [det] be [noun sg] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand one of the standard definitions of the term " politics " is " the art of rallying support to a cause in which you are interested " and that is part of the fabric of social life in any sort of social system .
2 Before we leave this discussion of basic theory and turn our attention finally to the modern world , there is one further point that I think is worth making and that is part of the answer to the second question asked above , namely , why do individuals go through the three stages in the conventional order ?
3 You know that too and that 's part of the reason why you befuddle yourself with drink .
4 Believe me , Lennox is so cool he really winds you up and that 's part of the secret behind his success .
5 What we 've been through in the last few years has brought us a lot closer , and that 's part of the reason I 'm getting out of the rat race of international cricket … certainly for a few years , anyway .
6 And that 's part of the geography
7 And , and that 's part of the direct in the Cafe Direct .
8 oh I came , came to several conclusions , erm , one , one of the problems that the article faced me with , if it had been a simple outburst , if , if the , the Daily Telegraph had simply taken an advert out as opposed to maybe editorials then I may of had less a problem , because the problem with editorials is that they are believed , companies adverts are n't believed , well they 're partially believed , but an editorial carries a lot more weight and therefore when it 's written like that it tends to strike home much harder , therefore that , my immediate thoughts were that if were going to react , if we were going to find a way of cantering the problems we felt this had created , then we would not have to follow any normal course of action , we simply could n't put an advert out because nobody would have believed it , we would have to look at it a different way of actually cantering and that 's part of the reason for the time taking to think it through .
9 Yeah , but just because they 're a rubbish band , does n't mean that they ca n't communicate , and that 's sort of the image that we 're portraying here .
10 She had pitied him ; and that was part of the devaluing , the belittling .
11 Then you got married then and that was sort of the sum total of it .
12 There is yet another area of intellectual activity that is supported by reading , and this is speculation of the ‘ what if … ? ’ kind , found in science fiction ( SF ) .
13 As we shall see , such pasturage was increasingly valuable ( and hence subject to regulation ) and this was part of a general concern from the Middle Ages onwards with providing sufficient grass and fodder for animals all through the year .
14 In 1799 parliament had pronounced its opinion on the illegality of trade unionism and this was part of an atmosphere in which courts were expected to find against it .
15 Two other brothers were killed in the wars in the Low Countries and another was Master of the Revels at Court .
16 At any stage , one 's attitudes will contain their implicit themes , and these are part of the attitudinal structure .
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