Example sentences of "and [det] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One possibility is that he had already begun to campaign in western Saxon territory and that additional troops joined him from his supporters there .
2 She met me in London wearing a wide-brimmed hat , khaki shorts and a loose white top ; she says she loves showing off , feels her legs are her best feature and that short skirts suit her .
3 The assumption that they are not neglected , and that cultural values ensure they will be cared for adequately , has been challenged by Norman .
4 The fact that Englishmen were upset at what the Sons of Temperance did and that American crusaders felt they could advance their cause by rousing English opinion show the degree to which a common culture had survived the political separation of the previous century .
5 Although the result was generally welcomed as a great triumph for the men , some ETS members and some political groups thought they should have held out for even more concessions .
6 Television and radio advertising was banned ; the BBC refused to play it , and some major retailers to stock it .
7 A fine position , constant exposure , and some tricky sections ensure it status as one of the greatest sea cliff classics .
8 The third element that made Easy Rider the runaway , roaraway success that it became in the counter-culture movement was Jack Nicholson , angry and surely envious — though he denied it — at seeing some of his flash contemporaries and some younger actors making it very big indeed in the legitimacy of more sumptuous surroundings of Warners , Paramount , MGM and the rest .
9 And some voluntary bodies felt they were not being given adequate enough attention .
10 An independent Conservative candidate may stand against John Taylor at the General Election , and some local Conservatives say they will support him .
11 and this other mates got it as well and these two mates have shot , he 's gone
12 Now corals are very sensitive to changes in water temperature and these regular bands tell us that the water temperatures did n't change very much .
13 He is , however , known to have been sent abroad by the king on at least eight different occasions during these years , both on diplomatic missions and on commissions concerning the administration of Ponthieu , and these overseas journeys caused him to miss part or all of several law terms .
14 Leonard was full-blooded , physically and temperamentally , and these teenage years saw him active in a wide range of sporting interests : cycling ( one of his favourite pastimes then ) , skiing , swimming , canoeing , sailing and ice-hockey ( in which he made the school team ) , boxing and wrestling , though he was very little involved in the last two .
15 And these top earners have it to a tee .
16 In determining whether goods are of a class to which an advertised trade description relates , s5(3) provides that regard shall be had not only to the form and content of the advertisement but also to the time , place , manner and frequency of its publication and all other matters making it likely or unlikely that a person to whom the goods are supplied would think of the goods belonging to the class in question .
17 Well , they would have showed a wider picture of the actual picture , and apparently they take , co , the photographers had taken a baby away from it 's mother he 's standing in the middle of a desert , and there 's a picture of them with a baby and all these photographers photographing it !
18 I just do n't understand all these buses with the open tops it 's freezing out there and all these tourists look they could walk Rachael .
19 big massive fat woman right , and she was just walking about this conference , you know where she 's not supposed to be , and all these shoulders stab her right ?
20 We have seen the best of our time ; machinations , hollowness , treachery , and all numerous disorders follow us disquietly to our graves . ’
21 Britain , America , Canada , India , Pakistan , and many other ex-colonies use it ; no small slice of the world 's voters .
22 But eggs , particularly those with large stores of rich yolk within them , are excellent eating , and many other animals steal them if they can .
23 People who have been in prison in Zaire , Somalia and many other places find it hard , after the long , arduous and frightening experience of travelling abroad to seek asylum , to talk instantly about everything that happened .
24 Discussion is only of interest to those participating in it , and many young children find it extremely difficult to articulate their ideas verbally — especially before they 've actually done what you 're talking about .
25 Coconut palms , mangroves and many unidentified trees confused me considerably , I who had been used to nothing taller than a stunted elder bush in a croft garden !
26 One of his titles is ‘ Commander of the Faithful ’ , and many pious Muslims prefer him to more modern-sounding fundamentalists .
27 Local authorities of all political hues have opposed schools ' moves to opt out , and many head teachers believe they could no longer work with them .
28 The subtitle is ‘ Making Feminist Sense of International Politics ’ , and those very words make you realize how little we are used to seeing feminist analysis applied to the ebbs and flows of global power .
29 Alexia was critically acclaimed , and several major galleries purchased her , but she did not become immediately collectible .
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