Example sentences of "and [det] [noun] [be] going to " in BNC.

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1 erm that 's the doubt and that doubt is going to be either borne out or shown to be wrong by the rest of John Major 's incumbents , so at the moment I 'll certainly give him the benefit of the doubt .
2 ‘ I do n't think any sentence would really be appropriate but I ca n't bear the thought that he is going to be out one day , and that day is going to be sooner than I thought .
3 We 're going to be the first men at the South Pole , and that flag is going to be first , too ! ’
4 But he thinks Cathy and that lot are going to he thinks Cathy 's a slag and everything , yet he 's still hanging about with all you lot .
5 There is an assumption behind all this that size does matter , which seems to be belied by the fact that IBM 's enormous $60,000m a year bulk has been unable to save the company — but IBM 's problems all arise from the fact that the company 's business is so hopelessly slewed to one sector of the market , with products that fewer and fewer people are going to be happy to own .
6 ‘ But do n't fed any sense of anticlimax , because everyone here wants to meet you , and all sorts of parties are being arranged , and several people are going to be calling you in the morning . ’
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